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14 results found
Google Analytics 4
Dear Summon
It seems Summon has not supported Google Analytics 4(GA4) yet.
Is it possible to update it to support GA4 and a customer can input a code which begins with NOT "UA-" in Summon Admin Console?19 votesCompleted as part of the May 2023 Quarterly Release.
Refine search sort order
We would find it useful to be able to re-order the facets listed in Refine Your Search section of the Summon results display, so that facets used most are placed towards the top.
1 voteCompleted as part of the 2022 Summon Roadmap.
Summon configuration screens should prompt you to save changes
Some of the Summon configuration pages are getting very long. You don't see the Save button clear at the bottom unless you scroll.
Please add a reminder prompt if someone makes settings changes, but doesn't press Save. I tried to change the book/ebook setting three times before I figured out why it wasn't taking effect!
11 votesCompleted as part of the 2023 Roadmap.
Allow A-Z order for Best Bets admin display
When you have a long list of Best Bets and they don't automatically get ordered alphabetically, the admin work becomes quite unpleasant when editing/removing entries etc.
34 votesCan be achieved using the bulk update proces.
DB recommender - tags export feature
We would like to be able to export the list of databases and the tags used for the recommender.
Furthermore, it would be nice if we can import the completed list.15 votesThis has been completed as part of the Summon 2021 Roadmap.
Add 'date last updated' to database details
In the Data Management section of Serials Solutions, it would be useful if the database details screen displayed when the metadata was last updated for each database. This could be accomplished by having a 'date last updated' field in the database details screen.
This would be helpful for finding out how current the database's included titles, URLs, etc. are in the knowledgebase.
245 votesCompleted as part of the 2020 roadmap.
Improvements to manage larger sets of volatile Best Bets
To manage Best Bets more rigourously I would offer this additional functionality:
a) Export all current best bets to Excel (Much simpler to manage and check for currency outside of admin interface)b) Provide a way to mark all existing Best Bets for deletion with one click so that the updated spreadsheet (from point a) can be imported to Summon without requiring every existing Best Bet to marked for deletion to prevent duplications.
40 votesCan be achieved using the bulk import process.
Stop match and merge for client catalog records.
We suggest a fully supported, optional, product feature to stop match and merge for client catalog records.
In the result list of Summon where there are several links to resources, the titles are linked to only one resource, which most of the time is good. However when a print record from the local catalog is merged with an e-book, the link most often lead to the e-book and we have noticed that the print version of the book is very often not noticed by the user. Our library have no e-books in our local catalog so we would very much…
19 votesYou can now stop match and merge for your catalog records. In the Summon Admin Console, under Content Ingestion > Catalog Merge Settings, simply drag and drop your catalog from the Include column to the Exclude column. If you have used this feature and have feedback, please send it to us!
Open Access filtering and restriction
Open-access resources should not need to be selected in a library's Intota instance to reliably indicate that they are accessible to the Summon user.
Currently, when a user checks both the OA filter and the 'include outside sources' box, some resources present in results with the ambiguous message that they are open-access, but are unavailable or only obtainable via ILL (according to what text the library displays in this circumstance.) Users can't know which to believe- is it accessible or not?
Since open-access resources brought into search results come from either a library's Intota selections or the Summon index, it…
12 votesCompleted as part of the 2022 Summon Roadmap.
Making available a list of the resources indexed in Summon Index
It would be great to have an up-to-date list of what is in the Summon Index. Or have a new column in the Center Center for each database, indicating if it is in the Index or not.
Today, when we select a database as "subscribed" in the Client Center, we are not sure whether this database is in the Summon Index or not. So we have to check in Summon by clicking "Add results beyond your library's collection" and see what shows up in the results. This is tedious.106 votesIn the November release we added a column into the Client Center that shows what’s indexed.
Ability to add Google Tag Manager information instead of Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager is a Google Analytics toolf ro managing multiple tags for a single page or site. The ability to add the Google Tag Manager to the institution's site via the admin console.
39 votesCompleted as part of the 2023 Summon Roadmap.
Summon now has both Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager support.
Ability to customize advanced search fields
Ability to turn fields on or off as available from the All Fields drop down.
9 votesCompleted in May 2018
Ability to add customizations and links in the right pane
Ability to add a tile in the right hand column with custom headline, text, links and images. Allow for these to be persistenst or to be triggered by tags.
43 votesWe added this functionality as part of the November 2017 release. You’ll find the controls to enable this in the admin console, under Pages > Custom Panel Sections.
More Topic Pane configurations
The ability to turn components of the Topic Pane on or off, configure the order, and customize the background color and font. Components include Reference Content, Suggested Librarian, Recommended Topics.
17 votesAdded to the product in May 2018
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