Support subscriptions with embargoes or rolling cutoff dates
Right now, if a database collection you subscribe to includes journal date ranges like "to X years ago" Summon/CDI doesn't recognize the cut off date and simply includes the whole subscription up to present in your search index even though the articles are not accessible. When you click a link, it's up to the content provider to determine how to handle the incoming link. ProQuest Research Library, for instance, will not even show you the citation record, but a search error instead. Ideally, CDI would be intelligent enough to handle these rolling cutoff dates and only include recent articles as they become accessible.
If the Summon/CDI team needs a specific example: Feminist Formations (2151-7363) is included in ProQuest Research Library with a date range of "01/01/2010 to 1 year ago". But articles from the past year's issues are included in our search results, even if the "full text online" filter is active, and selecting these results goes to a query that yields no results in PRL.