Discover the DOIs not registered with CrossRef: problems with searching the italian titles by DOI numbe
It would be really helpful to search for an article or chapter book, edited by italian publisher, through DOI number inside the relative eJournal Portal box or Citation Linker box
Now, if I insert an "italian DOI number" a syntax error is showed or nothing happens (the page remain the same)
In details
with Casalini - Torrossa, is it possible reach directly the landing page through DOI URL -> ex.
with DarwinBooks and RivisteWeb both by il Mulino, the landing page is showed after clicking on a link inside a pop-up page generated by the "mEDRA engine"
Dom Benson commented
Good idea, I found at least one publisher, IOS Press, using mEDRA on the links of its right hand TrendMD recommender panel.