Have notification for "New comment was added to library discussion for item" link to the item in question
In the Leganto notification system, the notification for "A new item was added to a list" provides links to both the relevant reading list and item, but the notification for "New comment was added to library discussion for item" only points to the list, not to the specific item that was commented on. Our instructors would appreciate being able to navigate directly to the relevant item/citation.

Completed in December 2024 release
Peta Hopkins commented
Making it easy as possible for instructors to get to the details of the note and the specific citation is most welcome including both within Leganto interface and via the letters.
Deborah Fitchett commented
This may duplicate https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/395697-leganto/suggestions/44090613-include-text-of-library-discussion-note-in-leganto - the main part of the idea was about including the text of the comment, but comments included suggestions for adding a link. The suggestion was accepted by Ex Libris but it's unclear exactly what they're planning to develop.