Additional brief citation information for instructors - New UI
Can the brief citation view for Instructors in the new Leganto UI be made the same as the student view, where all citation details are visible? Currently if there are multiple editions of the same book, or material with very similar titles it is very hard to quickly tell them apart as only the title is visible. If a new instructor has to review an existing reading list, it takes them much more time in the new UI as they have to open each citation to see complete details.
This also affects processing staff who work in Leganto, who are now required to click on the citation to view the full information instead of it being available at list level previously.
If the order/structure of the citation details can be customised, as it could in the old UI, that would be great, but primarily we would like the view for instructors to show all citation details without any extra clicks.
Attached are pictures showing 3 Cats books in the old and new UI. In the new UI only the cover image is different, otherwise it is impossible to tell them apart without opening the citation, whereas the old UI had the full citation information.
This is available in the July 2024 release as part of the expanded citation view.
Catherine Riches commented
I'm late to the party, but glad this has been accepted, as I sent this as feedback after the initial webinar of the new UI back in December 2022. Just wanted to add, we would also find it useful for tags to be editable without extra clicks as well, as in the classic UI. Often library staff come across a list where an academic has not tagged certain items, and it's currently quick to add reading importance tags where these citations are already in corresponding sections. It would be a pain to have to do this with extra clicks. It would also make it harder to get academics to add tags retrospectively if it takes twice the time. Additionally, there are a couple of tags we use internally to flag something for action from another team, and these are later removed when completed - again annoying if it takes longer. As ExLibris are reviewing the instructor view, I'd love the option to show 'Add Tag' at list view level without having to click to expand.