Could it be possible to allow a SpringShare Libapps widgets to appear in Leganto front-end (e.g LibChat)
This ideas is to explore how far it might be possible to allow integration with a common Library CRM tool - whether it might be possible to integrate Libchat into Leganto. LibChat is the live chat bit of LibAnswers application from SpringShare's LibApps suite. and widgets can be added to webpages, and required a script element in the page HEAD or bottom, and then a div id added where the chat widget was called in the page.
Allowing such an integration for a common tool (which would be possible in a Primo customisation) would potentially allow more flexible support options. A refinement of this might be that chat was only viewable to students or instructors, but the basic option to be able to embed chat (or perhaps other widgets).
This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 20 votes. This cleanup process is necessary to ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Leganto.
AdminMiriam (Leganto BA, Ex Libris) commented
Closing as part of a cleanup process to remove older ideas with low votes.
Deborah Fitchett commented
We'd potentially use this too, with a LibraryH3lp chat widget (which works in a similar way as described in this idea).
(Our only caveat - based on our experience with adding the widget to our LMS, if/when you do this you'll start getting a lot of non-library questions - eg people asking when assignments are due, how to fix Turnitin problems, how to get an extension, etc!)