Enable re-enrichment with CMS records
Rosetta knows two CMS integration options: unidirectional and bi-directional. The bidirectional integration requires a Rosetta flag to be set in the CMS system. Via the flag, all Rosetta-relevant records from the CMS can be gathered and the metadata pool within Rosetta updated in bulk on a regular basis. However, institutions may be using a CMS for enrichment which belongs to a different / external institution, making the addition of a Rosetta-flag within the CMS system impossible.
This is where the unidirectional enrichment comes to play. The CMS is queried via SRU integration and records are pulled into Rosetta. The pre-requisite is that a CMS section is present within the ie.xml, containing a system name and identifier to automatically query the CMS. This works well exactly once - duirng the first enrichment of the IE from within Rosetta. While all required information to re-query the CMS is present within Rosetta, any re-enrichment attempts via Task Chains such as "Re-assign CMS" or via manual "remove" / "link" will not requery the CMS system but always pull the information from the rosetta-side shared metadata directoy containing the initial harvest. Not only is this behavior counter-intuitive, it also prohibits the update of CMS data for those institutions who do not have control over the source CMS they are enriching from.
Ex Libris has provided a script via which the re-enrichment of these records is possible. The script takes a list of CMS identifiers as an input parameter and returns newly harvested CMS records into the shared metadata folder. However, running the script requires shell access to the application servers and can therefore only be done by system administrators.
It seems that all the basic functionatily for re-enrichment is there, it's just not available in the UI. The users who typically conduct re-enrichment of CMS data, however, do not work via the shell, they work in the UI and expect the functionality to be included there.
Our idea proposed here is to make the re-enrichment mechamism avaiable via the script actionable via the UI. We urgently require this functionalilty as the experience of the past years has shown that CMS records DO change and that these changes are monitored by Rosetta staff users such as participating institutions in a consortia, who do not have sufficient rights to run shell scripts for updates.

This functionality has been added in v6.2 following detailed requirements coming from the WGs.
Thank you,