Make General IE Viewer more configurable
We at the BSB have different types of material to be displayed with the General IE Viewer (Version 5.4). We suggest to make the configuration of the General IE Viewer more flexible.
- Configurable display of panes In general it would be very useful to be able to configure the standard display of panes. For each the content structure pane and the descriptive metadata pane there should be three different modes of display: Display as standard (the panes are displayed when the viewer is opened and can be closed if the viewer clicks on the grey area of the frame on the pane) display on demand (the panes are not displayed when the viewer is opened and can be opened if the user user clicks on the grey area of the frame of the pane) no display (one or both panes are not displayed and cannot be opened)
As the content structure may often contain confusing information like labels from the structmap set automatically by Rosetta it is necessary to be able to completely hide this pane from the user.
Configurable bars above the panes
As the information in the bars above the panes are also derived from the labels in the struct map and can therefore contain confusing information we suggest to allow that this information can be hidden as a configuration parameterConfigurable search field in content structure pane
As the search field can be confusing in terms what exactly is searched, i.e. it can be assumed that the displayed object is searched, it would be good, if there was a possibility to hide the search.Allow Viewer Configuration in the Delivery Rules
As is it might be necessary to have different configurations for different types of IEs it seems useful to have the possibilty to set the configuration parameters in the corresponding delivery rules and not in one single standard configuration.

v6.1 provides configuration options for:
1. MD pane (md_pane = show/hide/none)
2. TOC pane (toc_pane = show/hide/none)
3. search box (search = show/hide/none)
and other configurations regarding download and share button.
All requests other than #2 have been addressed in 6.1. I would appreciate if you could provide a screenshot / example of the data you would like to hide on each one of the panes for #2.
Thank you,