Allow Retention Policy to not delete automatically
Besides of having the option to delete or delete permanently, a retention policy should also allow not to delete at all. Many institutions want to assign a retention period to their objects, but do not want to delete the IEs when the retention period is over. Instead they expect to receive a report where they can decide themselves which objects should be deleted.

Kris Dekeyser commented
In reality things work differently. When an archive institution assigns a retention period, it expects to be notified when the retention period expires. However, only when they explicitly decide at that moment that the data may indeed be deleted, an actual delete can be performed. Without confirmation the data must be retained until further notice.
This is literally what we read in the RFPs of archiving institutions (I suspect it is even a European guideline). The reasoning is that retention policies are typically assigned by dossier type, but often the AI will want to keep data longer due to special interest, recent activities, high demand, ... The appreciation of the proper retention policy for an individual dossier can often only be made after many years.
The reporting part in Rosetta is OK, but not the fact that the retention policy will automatically delete, which makes it fairly simple for Rosetta to comply. The option to delete permanently or not should be replaced with a 3-way option: no action / move to recycle bin / delete permanently.
AdminAdi Alter (Admin, Ex Libris) commented
Not sure we fully understand the purpose of a retention policy that doesn't actually delete the content. But in any case, we believe that this functionality can be achieved today (though in the opposite way) by using the "IEs to be deleted" report which list IEs scheduled for deletion in a given timeframe due to Retention Policy. Users can run this report periodically and decide to modify the policy for IEs that do not require retention.