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5 results found

  1. Set default payment type for circulation desk

    We would like the ability to set default payment options for our circulation desks. We currently use the cash option for our student campus payment system since we do not have the ability to add custom payment types and we do not actually accept cash anymore so we use that but cash is showing as the "default" option from the payment area and most of our payments are credit card so we would like to set credit card as the default payment option.

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  2. Display both active (payable) AND accruing fines/fees at the main page and at the fines/fees tab of a user’s account

    The current main page and the fines/fees tab of a user’s account do not show the balance of the accruing fines to the circulation desk operators. The fines/fees tab doesn’t include the information of the loans that have accruing fines on them, and this confuses both circulation desk operators and clients. Circulation desk operators should be able to see this information easily and they should be able to give exact information to the library patrons about their fines/fees. Now this information is on several lists of loans and returns and the operator cannot see the accruing balance anywhere. (see Figure…

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  3. Make fine/fee text in color to stand out when a balance is owed

    It would be helpful to have a visual indicator pointing our attention to the "active balance" line when an outstanding balance is present above $0.00.

    I propose changing that field to a contrasting text color visible to color blind (i.e., orange), only when there is a balance above $0.00. This visible cue will make it very easy to identify the fine/fee balance and communicate that to our users in order to improve our communication of fees/fines to those who ignore the notifications via email.

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  4. Fines & Fees: add transaction type to the fines list

    If fee was paid the status should indicate that (rather than 'Closed').

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  5. Create Fines and Fees Report: add transaction operator per row

    For the "Create Fines and Fees Report" feature added in August 2013, please add the following feature:

    Our auditor requires that the Transaction Operator/Handler ("Accepted By" information) be identified and currently that information is not in the report.

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