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5 results found

  1. "Maximum renewal date" should be viewable on Alma

    "Maximum renewal date" should be viewable not only Primo, but Alma. Patron can see his/her "Maximum renewal date" by him/herself, but staff can NOT check it.

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  2. Allow Personal Delivery to be fulfilled from any library circ desk

    Scenario: When an item belonging to another library that has an active home delivery request is returned or scanned in at another library's circulation desk, the item is put in transit to the owning library for the request to be fulfilled. The home delivery request should be fulfilled from any loans desk regardless of which library the item belong to.
    We are multi campus institution with libraries 100s of kms apart. We require the personal delivery requests to be fulfilled from any of our libraries, instead having to return the items to the owning library.
    A Salesforce was raised (SF…

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  3. Allow due date after patron expiry date

    Please allow an operator to override the due date of an item, to set it to a date after the patron's expiry date. I can see some situations in which this might be necessary.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of March release Alma enables configuring the system to enable privileged staff members to extend a loan due date at check-out time beyond the expiry date of a patron. for more information please see Alma March Release Notes

  4. Fulfillment overdue popup/font color when item is returned.

    It would be nice to have an overdue alert for our fulfillment staff when they check in an item that is overdue. The alert could be either a pop-up or a change in font color such as red when overdues are checked in. Sometimes reserve materials are brought to the desk a few hours late and could be caught while the patron is still standing there. If could be configurable for libraries, that may not want this function.

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    In the October 2021 release a new alert for ‘item is overdue’ has been added to the scan-in messages configuration page. It is therefore now possible to receive an alert about the item that is checked in if it is overdue, either as a badge or as a pop up message that requires staff confirmation.

    The default behavior is that the message does not show up, preserving the current behavior.

  5. Batch Return in ALMA

    For Stocktake, we're required to do a batch return upon collection of barcodes. Unfortunately, there is no batch return feature in ALMA. It would really be helpful to have a batch return as feature or as a job so that it could cut down the hassle.

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