My feedback
6 results found
162 votes
24 votesAnonymous shared this idea ·
181 votes
The login for an account that is managed in an external IdP (such as a Shibboleth IdP), is done by the IdP and not by Alma. Alma does not control the success of this type of login.
Alma does control the login status if the user record is internal, i.e. its password is managed in Alma. In that case, we will indeed allow the login to succeed even if the user is expired.
The user record status will be verified when calculating:
- GetIt services (hold/digitization/resource sharing)
- My Account renew loan option
In either case, the account will be considered active only if:
- The user record status is active
- The user record expiry date is not in the past
- The user’s patron role is active
- The user’s patron role’s expiry date is not in the past
The login, however, will not be affected by these conditions.
Thank you,
MosheAnonymous supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment -
30 votesAnonymous shared this idea ·
48 votesAnonymous shared this idea ·
22 votesAnonymous supported this idea ·
Gute Idee!