I think this is a very good idea. In addition, could we select a default status if no status is indicated? For example, if an institution has most collections that allow lending requests from any Rapid libraries around the world, then the default status could be set to LendableInternational. Then only the LendableCountry and LocalOnly status needs to be indicated in the respective collections, leaving the majority of the collection with no status, and hence having the default status of LendableInternational. This will save time and effort to manage the smaller number of exceptions. For your consideration please.
I think this is a very good idea. In addition, could we select a default status if no status is indicated? For example, if an institution has most collections that allow lending requests from any Rapid libraries around the world, then the default status could be set to LendableInternational. Then only the LendableCountry and LocalOnly status needs to be indicated in the respective collections, leaving the majority of the collection with no status, and hence having the default status of LendableInternational. This will save time and effort to manage the smaller number of exceptions. For your consideration please.