Make it easier for admins to make group subsets for different targeted funding searches
At this time, if an Pivot Admin wants to make a group to send a targeted search or weekly newsletters, for example, they have to add email addresses one by one; this is impractical for setting up groups of >30 people for multiple departments, internal research groups, etc. The proposed solution is to create a workflow to display an institution's organization tree. Then allow an admin to select nodes of the org tree. For all accounts linked to a profile of selected org nodes, add account to a target group. Note: this would not include accounts that are not linked to a profile. There is a difference between a registered Pivot user (a Pivot account) and Pivot profile (which can be linked to an account, but is managed independently from an account - by user, admin, proxy, and EXL Pivot editorial team).
If a Pivot account is linked to a profile (which has school/dept info), than it would be possible to create a report of accounts linked to profiles, broken down by school/dept.

This is partially supported with some different workarounds. Pivot-RP enables you to create a group using an independently maintained group email alias (for example: if you are regularly sending emails to large groups. You can also create groups by bulk uploading email address from a spreadsheet. When creating a new group, copy and past a column of email address in where it says add new members. If Pivot-RP can link the email address to an existing user account, it will do so and display the user’s name. If it can’t link the account, only the user’s email address will be displayed.