Fix poor implementation of the "OR" feature in Advanced search.
Using OR in advanced search doesn't allow the user to OR search terms, but AND the advanced search features. eg I want a search that does this:
((restoration OR wetlands) AND sponsortype:(nonusgovernment) AND (hostlocation:(United States OR Unrestricted OR Unspecified) AND hostlocationchild:(United States))).
It would be great too/alternatively, if I can build my own complex search such as the one above, and just paste it into your search box.

This is not only supported, but it is the default behavior for all searches. We will reach out to see if we can help you directly or please select the "help" link in Pivot-RP to reach out Support team.
Your Search: ((restoration OR wetlands) AND sponsor_type:(non_us_government) AND (host_location:(United States OR Unrestricted OR Unspecified) OR host_location_child:(United States)))