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51 results found
In mendeley, you see the time & date when uploading a reference to mendeley. I can only see a date in refworks. Please add timestamp.
In mendeley, you see the time & date when uploading a reference to mendeley. I can only see a date in refworks. Please add time stamp to refworks.
1 voteThank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.
Add media Type field to references for BibTex
LaTex references are allowed to have a media Type field that is not currently an option in Refworks. This field when available and used can specify the media type in a bracket. For example, a personal communication reference with Type field set to Email will have [Email] specified in the bibliographic after compiled. Like so:
Chapman, S. (2021, Feb 4,). Re: Recreating DFN model in 2018 paper [Email].
This field should be available when selecting Personal Communication as a reference type.
1 vote -
Citation view - journal issue number
Journal issue number is highlighted yellow if missing in Citation View. Can it be changed to yellow as some journals do not have an issue number.
3 votesThank you for submitting this idea. The missing data indication is based on the style requirements, and cannot take the specific journal into account. Since in many cases a blank journal issue number field would indeed be considered missing data we would like users to have the yellow indication. You can still cite the reference with the missing data, the error will appear only in citation view and not in your citations and bibliography.
Cite Them Right 11th edn. - US states need to be written in full
Cite Them Right 11th edn. US states should be written in full.
3 votes -
follow local folder
I save all the PDFs of my papers on a local folder. It will be great if RefWorks could follow this folder and add the reference automatically as soon as I save it to my drive.
3 votes -
Problem: RefWorks in Word (64-bit) does not communicate with my RefWorks folders.
When I open Word, RefWorks Write-N-Cite-tool reports the following (see screenshot). When I try to add citation in Word, none of my folders is shown. In the RefWorks website, however, everything is normal. What should I do?
Thank You!
- Lasse1 vote -
Built in pdf converter
When a reference isn't in pdf format, I have to convert it to a pdf, then use a third-party program to OCR the content, in order for the document to be able to be read and highlighted in RefWorks. It would be nice if RefWorks had a converter built in that recognizes many files types and converts them automatically to the format it will recognize. Some pdfs that we have OCR'ed are still not recognized by RefWorks. This is frustrating for faculty and students, and the librarians who wish to help them.
1 vote -
Offline GUI
I would like be able to use Refworks on a computer that doesn't have internet access. A GUI which allows me to manage citations without an internet connection.
5 votesThank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.
Create a format to correctly cite APA 7th edition for white papers and published standards
There is not a category to correctly import references for white papers or standards published by professional organizations. When attempting to adapt other reference types for this use, none work correctly. RefWorks should be able to manage these types of documents correctly.
This request comes from case #00901397 sent to RefWorks Technical Services
2 votes -
1 vote
To export from EndNote to RefWorks, export your references to an RIS file. More details can be found here:
The Journal Name shown as Null
I have recently faced a problem when I imported multiple references and at the end when I made the bibliography, some of the references were showing journal name as NULL, while on doi link the journal name was OK. I had to write 5 journal names by myself out of total 32 references. Do not know what went wrong though.
1 voteIdea Exchange is intended for feature requests. If you are experiencing a performance issue please open a support case or initiate a chat at the following link:
Copy and Paste references
It would be great if Refworks can allow copy and paste of other references to their platform so they can choose the type of style they prefer rather than only export, import and create a new ideology. Paste a reference in a box where it tells you what style it is, and which one do you prefer. Then, make your choice if APA, HAVARD whatsoever.
7 votesThank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.
Capitalise titles when importing them
When using the (very very helpful) import citation from either google scholar or the journal page or wherever, is it possible to have the title capitalised? It might not be your doing it might be the originator. I have had to go through all the imported titles and capitalise them to comply with APA standards.
4 votesAs indicated in a comment, if the original title is capitalized make sure to use a No Title Casing style version. If the original title is not capitalized, you can customize an APA 7 version (using the Citation Style Editor) and select the Title Case option.
Repair display error in spacing between surname and initials
When importing a reference it displays correctly in the centre pane. However, when using that reference 'in text' it does not utilise the 'et al' option for numerous authors. One has open Refworks, edit the entry, add a space between the surname and initial/first name for each name and then save the entry before returning to the document to continue.
1 vote -
Repair display error in spacing between surname and initials
When importing a reference it displays correctly in the centre pane. However, when using that reference 'in text' it does not utilise the 'et al' option for numerous authors. One has open Refworks, edit the entry, add a space between the surname and initial/first name for each name and then save the entry before returning to the document to continue.
1 voteDuplicate idea was opened
Dear ALL,
I am writing from the San Matteo hospital (Bibliosan consortium). We are participating in an important European project on convalescent plasma and Covid-19. We are doing a bibliographic search in many databases. Many of these are not present in the Refwork import and also their export formats. Do you think it is not acceptable that formats such as .txt, .csv, .xml cannot be imported into Refworks in both new and 2.0.
These are important sites such as EU Clinical Trials Register (attached on example) or WHO you add these formats or databases? Our research…
21 votesAfter taking a look at the files generated by these sites, we see they are not reference files and don’t have consistent reference metadata. Therefore they cannot be imported as references. You can of course upload such a file into RefWorks in order to store it in your collection (as a single reference with the file attached, not a reference per entry in the file). To do so select “Add” → “Upload Document”.
save to Refworks
I'm an UNED user (my institution does not appear at the login) but I can login with my uned email and in your settings it recognises me as UNED user. The problem comes when I try to "save to Refworks" . Appears the login validation on the right and it doesn't recognises me as an user. So I cannot save the web page, having to do it manually. Mac OS catalina 10.15. Safari 13.1.1
1 vote -
Refworks bugs on linux
Things that currently do not work when trying to import from legacy refworks:
The "authorize import from legacy refworks button" does nothing
I cannot upload any file in the "import references" pane
references were not extracted RIS, BIB and TXT files that I was able to upload in the "upload document" section , and the list of references were saved as a single reference
I was subsequently unable to delete these references
I will continue using the (highly functional, excellent) legacy refworks until these issues are fixed
1 vote -
importing to Refworks easy
After the latest update on refworks, i have to click on import twice. Firstly, i have to click on import when importing from database and then i have to select a folder and then i have to click on import. I preferred to import my references to not in folder section as i work on one project at a time. And later i transferred all the references to one folder. Kindly give an option, where if the references is imported, it goes directly into not in folder. Unless user specifically clicks on a folder and then clicks on import. It…
1 voteThis feature was added at the request of many customers. Please note that the default is “Not in Folder” so you do not need to make any selection and can just click on Import.
Today after live came on line
The procedure for adding a PDF upload from the computer to the system is no longer working. Also, while in the system (Refworks) clicking on a PDF file to slide over to the system has two possible outcomes. First, the references are for a different journal, book, etc. or that to will not stick and save to Refworks.
1 vote
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