"Database for Research Thesis Catalog of Japanese Literature" for discovery
"Database for Research Thesis Catalog of Japanese Literature(国文学論文目録データベース)" is a union catalog database of research papers on Japanese literature.
This database includes information on research papers on Japanese literature, Japanese language studies, and Japanese language education.
It would be helpful for researchers if Ex Libris discovery included this database as a search target.
Provider: National Institute of Japanese Literature
Code: OFN

We will reach out to the National Institute of Japanese Literature and ask for the records metadata for this collection.
Senior Content Support Analyst
AdminTamar Ganor (Admin, Ex Libris) commented
We are working with the National Institute of Japanese Literature to create a general collection, so there will be no separate collection for thesis that can be filtered out using the CDI facet for thesis.
I still don't have a timeline for the addition of this collection, but will update this idea once I have more information.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager -
Yukako Ohshima commented
Thanks for your support.
It may be better to contact the National Institute of Japanese Literature in Japanese.
If our company needs to contact them, please let us know.Thank you.
Best Regards,