Change the 'Citation Online' feature for the content type=Report for ASFA records when full text is available
I would like to propose that the content type=Report for Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) records are changed so that ASFA records with Full text links can be shown instead of 'Citation Online' which is misleading to the client. We have inputted thousands of government document records in ASFA which have a full text link but these links are not currently displayed in the Summon Brief results. ASFA is no longer just an abstract and indexing database as it now includes links to full text publications and grey literature. This should be changed as it can impact all users who have a subscription to ASFA database.
The current display is useless to the client as it is misleading when there is a full-text link available in the original ASFA record.

As there was no response, I am closing this idea.
Please reach out to me directly if you would like to discuss further, or create a new idea.
Kind regards,
AdminAmy Pemble (Admin, Ex Libris) commented
Moving this idea to the Content forum.