Add "OSTI.GOV" content as a new collection in Primo Central
OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for DOE science, technology, and engineering research and development results and the organizational hub for information about the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information. It consolidates OSTI’s home page and our now retired primary search tool SciTech Connect.
OSTI.GOV makes available over 70 years of research results from DOE and its predecessor agencies discoverable. Research results include journal articles/accepted manuscripts and related metadata; technical reports; scientific research datasets and collections; scientific software; patents; conference and workshop papers; books and theses; and multimedia. OSTI.GOV contains nearly 3 million citations, including citations to 1.5 million journal articles, 1 million of which have digital object identifiers (DOIs) linking to full-text articles on publishers' websites. It also has more than 445,000 full-text DOE-funded STI documents. OSTI.GOV provides access to this DOE STI by offering numerous easy-to-use search capabilities and customization options; and for the DOE community, additional citation information is available to help researchers evaluate article impact and find related research.
This idea has been closed by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience.
It will be reviewed and addressed according to the regular workflow of content requests.
My sincere apologies.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Kathy Varjabedian commented
OSTI.GOV is the new name of SciTech Connect database, which is already in Primo Central. Links are being redirected, but it is hard to tell when you land at that this is SciTech Connect, renamed.