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We welcome your ideas for new content (metadata) to add to the Knowledge Bases (KBs - Alma CZ, SFX, 360) and Discovery services (CDI - Central Discovery Index whose data supports Primo and Summon).

How to increase your idea's visibility and get more votes:
  1. Check if your idea has already been posted and vote for it before posting a new idea.
  2. Choose the right category: "New Provider" for content from a provider that has no available content in the KBs or CDI, or "Existing Provider" for content from a provider that already has content available in the KBs or CDI.
  3. Add a direct link to the provider/resource you suggest, and a contact person if possible.
  4. For enrichment requests add the relevant collection ID(s). 
  5. Make sure you mention any specific added value your idea has to the community such as language or supporting diversity.
  6. Did you find errors in an existing collection? please open a case.
  7. A new year has begun but no corresponding annual collection? post an idea in Idea Exchange, make sure to mention if it is an existing provider.

The categories for new content ideas are:
  1. Existing Provider - if your idea is for a new collection from a provider that already has content available in the KBs and CDI or enriching records for an existing collection, use this category. No voting is necessary, ideas for existing providers will be handled regardless of voting.
  2. New Providers - if your idea is for content from a provider that does not have any content available in the KBs and CDI, choose this category.
  3. Other - for non provider specific ideas

If you want to add an institutional repository, please open a case and follow the documentation here:

475 results found

  1. DergiPark Akademik

    Please add the collection DergiPark Akademik,
    it consists of licensed and open access/free content in different languages (mainly Turkish and English)

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  2. oregonpdf

    The OregonPDF in Health & Performance ( collection of theses and dissertations to be indexed in Discovery and Knowledgebase.

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    Unfortunately, this idea did not gather enough votes since posted.

    Therefore we will close it and it will not be added to the Discovery services.

    It is available in Alma CZ as a contributed collection.

    Thank you for your efforts,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  3. Add Reading Arizona ebook collection to Summon/360 link

    Add Reading Arizona ebook collection to Summon/360 link
    Hundreds of Arizona-themed eBooks available for free to anyone in the state of AZ

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    Unfortunately, this idea did not gather enough votes since posted.

    Therefore we will close it, but you can find these titles in other collections in 360 and Summon.

    Thank you for your efforts,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  4. Add content for Defining Moments Online ebooks to Summon/360 link

    Add content for Defining Moments Online ebook collection from Omnigraphics to Summon/360 link. On Lincoln Library Factcite platform.

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    Unfortunately, this idea did not gather enough votes since posted.

    Therefore we will close it and it will not be added to the CZ and index.

    Thank you for your efforts,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  5. Omnigraphics Health Reference Series Online

    Please add eBook Collection to Summon and 360 Link for Omnigraphics Health Reference Series Online of over 50 current Health Reference Series sourcebooks.

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    This series is no longer sold separately, but as part of a collection that exists in various platforms in Summon and 360.


    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  6. PEP Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing => VOD

    In the ALMA CZ, 3 PEP Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing are available :
    1 - PEP-WEB Journals Current => 15 portfolios
    2 - PEP-WEB Journals Archive => 73 portfolios
    3 - PEPWEB Books => 157 portfolios
    4 - Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing Archive => database

    But on PEP Web site, there are VOD available too.

    Thank you to add the PEP-WEB VOD collection.

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  7. 16 votes

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    Unfortunately, this idea did not gather enough votes since posted.

    Therefore we will close it and it will not be added to CDI.

    Thank you for your efforts,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  8. Bibliothèque numérique francophone

    The « Bibliothèque numérique francophone » ( is an initiative of the Réseau Francophone Numérique (FRN) launched officially in April 2017. It brings together representative collections (photographs, newspapers, posters, maps etc) of ten members of the Network selected for their heritage interest: Royal Library of Belgium, Library and Archives of Canada, National Library of France, Bibliothèque Haïtienne du Saint-Esprit, National Library of Luxembourg, Bibliothèque et Archives Universitaires d'Antananarivo, Bibliothèque nationale du Royaume du Maroc, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Swiss National Library.

    Please add Bibliothèque numérique francophone as a new resource in Summon

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  9. Classiques Sciences Sociales Free

    Classiques Sciences Sociales Free collection is composed of more than 4,300 portfolios. Most of the records are very poor: only the title, one author, and the eISBN. The publication date in 008/7-10 is usually incorrect.
    Full Marc records exist for these items and are available under certain conditions (for libraries) at
    Note also that Les Classiques des sciences sociales actually contain more than 6,500 free works . A general update of this collection would be welcome.

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  10. SHARE

    SHARE - - SHARE is a higher education initiative whose mission is to maximize research impact by making a comprehensive inventory of research widely discoverable, accessible, and reusable. To fulfill this mission SHARE is creating an openly available data set about research activities across their life cycle. SHARE is a partnership between the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Center for Open Science (COS), underwritten in part by generous funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  11. Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale

    Please consider adding 'Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale' as a new collection for Primo Central and Summon.

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    This Idea has been assessed (and also raised as part of the NERS requests).
    We are currently unable to add this content to our Discovery products and therefore must decline this Idea at this time.

    Thank you,

  12. The Music Index and IPM

    Please consider adding 'The Music Index' and 'Index to Printed Music' as new collections for Primo Central and Summon.

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    Unfortunately we are unable to receive granular level metadata for the discovery services.

    Therefore this idea will be closed.

    Thanks for your efforts,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  13. It would be get to have EIU databases indexed into Summon

    Summon is a very huge part of what student use for research so they do not have to go to multiple databases and to figure out again later if they have or have not tried that database. With having EIU database in Summon it will provide users other database that will come up when they are searching for topics on economic trends, political, cultural information, business, finance, science, and technology. This will help expand these areas for all users.

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    Closed  ·  0 comments  ·  Admin →
  14. contains UK legislation. the content is freely available. If users are looking for acts of Parliament or Statutory Instruments it would be useful to be able to find these in Summon and direct users to the site to obtain the PDF.

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  15. core

    CORE ( aims to aggregate all open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide and make these available to the public through a set of services including search, API and analytical tools. As of April 2017, CORE offers seamless access to 70,251,799 open access articles. CORE harvests, maintains, enriches and makes available metadata and full-text content (typically a PDF).

    Developed by the Knowledge Management Institute at the Open University, CORE came top in a recent list of top 21 freely available online journal and research databases for academics;

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    Hello all,

    As previously updated, following our extensive analysis and assessments of the complexity for both Ex Libris and CORE to provide and display this content on the necessary level of quality and currency, we will not ingest the CORE content.

    At this stage there is no change to this status and our decision, though we do routinely review the request. We will reopen the request should anything change.

    We continue to be interested in ingesting this type of content and are continuously working with providers to promote this activity.


  16. ADS (Astrophysics Data System)

    ADS (Astrophysics Data System)
    ADS (SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System) is a "Digital Library portal for researchers in Astronomy and Physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. The ADS maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 12.6 million records covering publications in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and the arXiv e-prints" (see for details). Astrophysics Data System already exists as a target in SFX. Please make the content available as a collection in Primo Central as well.

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it in Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  17. Add Agrovoc thesaurus to authority files

    Add Agrovoc multilingual thesaurus from FAO to CZ authority files
    Alma multinlingual thesaurus search and publishing should permit to select languages among all the thesaurus languages.

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    Hello all,

    At this point we will need to decline this request as Agrovoc can provide several formats though these do not include the MARC format which is required for us to ingest Authorities.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, but will keep this request in our backlog should we be able to ingest other formats in the future, or if Agrovoc provide the MARC format.
    If you become aware of a change in the available file formats from Agrovoc please let us know and we can reopen this request.

    Thank you,

  18. BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

    BASE is one of the world's largest search engines especially for academic open access web resources. BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library. It provides more than 100 million documents from more than 5,000 sources. About 60% of BASE’s contents are in Open Access. Only freely available materials should be indexed in Primo Central and Summon.

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    Hello all,

    Following extensive review and analysis, we have decided to pursue adding institutional repository content via CORE and Unpaywall.
    Therefore, at this time, we will not be ingesting BASE content.


  19. NERS 2021 - Pressreader

    Add PressReader to Primo Central Index. Previously titled, PressDisplay, PressReader provides online access to approx 5,000 newspapers from over 100 countries around the world in over 60 languages in a full-color, full-page format. Viewers can browse articles and other key content, such as pictures, advertisements, classifieds, and notices. Customers have the ability to perform keyword searches across all titles and the entire archive. PressReader is already in Alma CZ.

    Title list:
    NERS Request ID: 4959

    NERS 2021 Request ID: 7566

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    Hello all, 

    Following discussions with Pressreader we have offered the solution of a webhook API, as this is the appropriate solution for this provider. 

    At this time Pressreader cannot technologically support this API solution and therefore we are closing this request. 

    If/when the provider is technologically able to support this solution, we will be happy to reconsider this request. 



  20. Irish Newspaper Archive

    Add Irish Newspaper Archive to Primo Central Index. The collection is available in Alma CZ by the name - Irish Newspaper Journal Archives. The collection contains historical and current newspapers from Ireland dating back to the 18th century.

    Publisher: Irish Newspaper Archives
    NERS Request ID: 4964

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than three years with fewer than 30 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may resubmit it Idea Exchange, please add as many details as possible.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Content.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

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