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59 results found

  1. Increase the height of the Summon search box

    If you have a long search string, e.g.:

    (multi-disciplinary OR interdisciplinary OR trans-disciplinary) research funding barriers

    You want to make sure the words are spelled and spaced correctly. This is hard to do in the current basic search interface, except perhaps by going back and forth with the arrow keys, or typing your search string in Notepad for editing then copy-pasting it on to the text field.

    This is somewhat better in the Advanced Search form but can still be problematic.

    A search box that auto expands based on content would be nice.

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  2. Make facets user friendly

    We would like the facets in Summon to work more in the way they do in Primo. In Primo the included or excluded facets are shown above the search results in little boxes with an easy to understand cross to remove them. Similar solutions are used on several database platforms, so our users would recognize how to use the feature without thinking too much.

    In Summon it’s not intuitive to remove a chosen facet. If you have included a facet and want to remove it and you hoover over the text, you are tempted to click on the red dot…

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  3. Collection Discovery for Summon over Alma

    Alma has a feature that allows libraries to manage collections of titles by grouping them in categories for easy browsing. Primo sites can expose these curated collections with Primo's built-in Collection Discovery UI. The University of California at Irvine is using it to showcase award winning books in their collection, as seen in this example:

    We think this is a useful feature and would like the same functionality to be available to Summon over Alma sites.

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  4. Don't force title case in Summon UI for Search Scope Names

    Allow the Summon UI to display Search Scope Names as they have been entered by the library instead of forcing them to display in title case.

    For example, if the Scope Name is Books and Journals, display "Books and Journals" in the UI, and if it's Circulating Collection (items you can check out), display "Circulating Collection (items you can check out)" in the UI.

    Right now, these Scope Names are forced to be displayed as "Books And Journals" and "Circulating Collection (Items You Can Check Out)" for the end user.

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  5. Make ORCID ID available via Advanced Search

    Put ORCID ID in the dropdown options

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    This was included as part of the User Interface improvements in the December 2021 Summon Quarterly Release.

    Institutions can now add the following fields to their advanced search page: Call Number, ISBN, ISSN, CODEN. Dewey, DOI, OCLC Number, Patent Number, EAN, EBSCOAN, ERIC, ISMN, LCC, NAICS, ORCID, PCID, PMID, PQID, PQPubID, SSID, UPC, DUNS, and SICI.

  6. Include PMID in Advanced search

    Add PMID explicitly as an option under Advanced Search along with DOI and others. PMID is heavily used by health sciences fields.

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  7. publication date filter- no visual indication it has been selected

    When a user selects the pre-defined publication date facets (Last 12 Months, 3 years, 5 years) there is no Green Tick used to indicate that it has been selected. The date slider is changed to indicate the dates used, and the dates are filled in, but these are less obvious when selecting other facets.
    This can be overlooked by end users when they then conduct another search.
    I know that they probably should restart by clearing the Facets/filters but it seems like there is a lack of consistency when compared to how other facets are displayed after selection.

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  8. Persistent display of all information on "Preview"

    If users close "preview" on search results once and then reopen it, some information like Altmetric, Call number, Summary from Syndetic and so on are missing.

    Users often reopen "preview" to confirm the detail of information there again. I hope the improvement which reflects this user action to be done.

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  9. Add "sent from" box in "email this item."

    Currently, if you want to email an item to another person, there is no space to indicate who the sender is.

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  10. Clearing search will not let the user enter a new search directly

    When the user clicks the x that clears the search-field in order to make a new search, the cursor is not placed in the search field. The user has to click in the search field in order to write something. The way this works it is quicker to just select the text in the search field and erase it by hitting the Back space.

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  11. Allow more than 2 custom panels to be expanded by default

    At present, no more than 2 custom panels in the right-hand section of the Summon results page can be expanded by default. Others are only accessible by a More... link. Give libraries the option of setting how many custom panels are open by default.

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  12. Ability to match language settings of Summon with 360Link

    The interface language of Summon and 360Link has no connection.
    So, when linking from Summon to 360 Link, abroad students have to change both language settings of Summon and 360Link.
    This is inconvenient for abroad students.

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  13. Add visibilty of local notes to item detail view

    Many libraries add additional notes to MARC records to enhance the findability of items and relevance of search results (e.g., a ToC or chapter listing when not already part of the record). Make these visable to the user.

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    This functionality has been added. To turn on public notes, go to the Admin Console under Settings > Search Results. At the bottom, there are options to “Display eResource Public Notes” and “Display eResource Location Notes”. Change the setting from Default to Custom and set the option to Yes, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

  14. Ability to filter results by format in Summon, e.g. search for books, articles etc.

    As in Primo, provide a mechanism to allow users to search within specific indexes, e.g. to search books, journals, articles separately. This is particularly important when search results cannot be ranked as we would wish, e.g. journal articles before journal titles.

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  15. sorting results by publication date

    The sort by publication date newest/oldest in Summon does not sort by the displayed publication date but by the merged record date which is invisible to the end user.

    The user is seeing the results screen and so it seems really odd to provide a publication date sort and then not allow the user to sort by the date that they can see since the behavior on the backend is entirely and completely transparent to them and doesn't seem to serve the user well by any stretch.

    There needs to be a true publication date sort that uses the displayed

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  16. Show all Availaility information of library catalog records.

    When there are multiple availability information on library catalog, one of them shows up on results page and the others are hidden in current Summon interface.
    It is favorable for library if all the availability information would be shown as default.

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  17. Update Summon's AGLC citation style - AGLC4 is now available

    We would like to see the AGLC3 citation style available in the Summon UI replaced by AGLC4 (or at least AGLC4 be made available as an option).

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  18. 11 votes

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  19. Offer the option of having the library location facet expanded by default

    We would like to be able to have the libraries under LIBRARY LOCATION visible by default on the Summon results page

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  20. Book reviews spotlight

    A rollup of book review content, with any book reviews removed from the main results set and presented in a spotlight. The spotlight would present the top 3 to 5 results with summary informatino and a "more" link to see all book reviews.

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