Improve usability of Get It in citation view (when primove_getit = true)
At present the size of the iframe for availability of physical resources is not customisable. It is of such a size that if the user wants to make use of request forms, or there are many holdings it entails scrolling.
It would be great if this area was responsive rather than fixed size, but even being able to customise the size might help in the interim.
With primove_getit = false a responsive experience exists, but it has it's own usability issues and we want a consistence experience between Primo VE and Leganto and do not want to manage customisation twice.
Available in August release.
Peta Hopkins commented
I know this is old, but I have searched the August 2021 release notes (Leganto, Primo and Alma) and can't find any mention of this idea. Can you point us to documentation please?