Option to export a list sorted alphabetically (without sections and with unique citations)
With March Release it is now possible to sort citations within sections alphabetically before exporting the list to Word.
We would like an additional option: to export the reading list as if it was a reference list:
- sorted by author name according to the chosen reference style
- without section
- with unique references only (if a the same citation is used in two sections it just appear only once)
Key fields to define if a citation is unique or not should be title and ISBN but also author and publication year in case there is no ISBN in the citation. Publisher could be one as well, if the ISBN is missing. For articles: ISSN, journal title and issue, in addition to title, author, publication year.
Book chapter: if they're found to be from the same book (same criteria as mentionned before), chapter title and author should be enough, even if one citation is missing chapter number or pages.
Available in August release