Allow the exporting and importing of the appmanager settings between environments
We should be able to export and import the app manager settings/configuration between the development and live environments.
This would allow us to keep the two environments in sync and also allow us to test in development and then sync it to live without the possibility of human data entry errors.

We'd like to receive more information about the areas of the configuration administrators would like to migrate. We'll discuss this further on the customer mailing list.
David Hyman commented
We just had to do a backend server upgrade and having the ability to clone our production app down to sandbox would make regression testing actually possible. Please implement this!
Leslie Hurst commented
I agree this is needed. Thank You.
Claire Hammersley commented
I agree this would be a really useful feature and save us a lot of time in replication. It would hopefully also include replication of the Asset Manager structure and files back to other environments to ensure this was also aligned. In doing so I'm presuming the Asset links would update to the test url reference, which is different to the live one in terms of environment location?
David commented
I agree. It would be useful to be able to automate migration of change from DEV to TEST and PROD.
Anonymous commented
This would save us a LOT of time at UON, especially now that we are doing 6 weekly releases. This means that we need to recreate any NEW static content in Dev, Test and Prod from scratch every 6 weeks.
Steve commented
An export of the settings to some text file format (xml?) would be fine with me. This would at least allow a comparison between environments to pinpoint the differences.
Hi All,
Do you feel that the Preview environment provides you with what you need, or are you after something more here?
Many Thanks
Sumeet commented
This is a sorely missed feature, as implementation of large university content may get misplaced when the UAT is completed and the data needs to be moved to production.
Please have a functionality where we can export all the configuration done in an environment to a file (e.g. JSON / XML) and upload this file into a different environment, thereby having a backup and restore functionality as well.
Kaylee Eluvian commented
I would like to see this - we need the ability to refresh our Dev, Test and UAT environments from live. Literally backup live and restore to Dev/Test/UAT.
Anonymous commented
To maintain a robust test strategy we need to replicate our current live enviroment onto our test environment however the only way to do that is through a manual process. If this could be automated it would be a far quicker and simpler way to keep environments aligned and up to date