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6 results found

  1. Make General IE Viewer more configurable

    We at the BSB have different types of material to be displayed with the General IE Viewer (Version 5.4). We suggest to make the configuration of the General IE Viewer more flexible.

    1. Configurable display of panes In general it would be very useful to be able to configure the standard display of panes. For each the content structure pane and the descriptive metadata pane there should be three different modes of display: Display as standard (the panes are displayed when the viewer is opened and can be closed if the viewer clicks on the grey area of the frame on…
    1 vote

    v6.1 provides configuration options for:
    1. MD pane (md_pane = show/hide/none)
    2. TOC pane (toc_pane = show/hide/none)
    3. search box (search = show/hide/none)
    and other configurations regarding download and share button.

  2. "Download all" function with 5.4 should preserve original folder structure

    I tested the new "Download all" function in the General IE Viewer and found that the original folder structure of the files within the representation is not preserved in the, even if there is a logical structmap and the folder structure is displayed in the viewer. This is contrary to the IE Export where the original folder structure is kept in the REP.tar. It would be good to have the "download all" functionality modified. When a complex IEs with a hierarchical structure is downloaded through the viewer, the directory structury according to the structmap should be kept.

    13 votes

    Supported as part of 6.1. Download configuration in the representation profile configuration provides 3 options – download all (regardless of original structure – current behaviour), download displayed representation (according to structmap structure) and download (single) file

  3. IE Viewer enhancements

    Fist of all I like the looks of the new repository viewer and looking forward to the new IE viewer that Adi showed in the Rosetta 5.3 highlights webinar. There are a couple of things I would like to see in the new IE viewer, though:

    The new metadata panel looks great, but should be collapsible to make more room for the viewer panel. The same is true for the content panel.

    For some collections in Rosetta, no or hardly any descriptive metadata was available during ingest. The DC record for those IEs is typically empty except for a dc:title…

    1 vote
  4. SRU request to get the file PID

    For a specific use case, we need to get the deep link of a file in Rosetta. Our idea is to use the SRU request for this purpose. But currently SRU requests only return IE-level responses, and not file-level information. We would like to see this changed and are asking for the option of a SRU response at file level to be added.

    20 votes
  5. OCR plugin that makes full text available to search

    To create a full text searching capability, we are proposing a plugin that performs OCR on the files in Rosetta, and then makes that text output available via an API or other publishing mechanism, that can be read and indexed by an external CMS.

    40 votes
  6. Enforce file download in Rosetta Delivery

    As a researcher, I want to be able to always download a data file delivered to me in the web browser, regardless of its format. But to date, there is no such option in Rosetta.

    The choice of specialized viewers is limited. A vast majority of formats will be handled by the “File Viewer” that leaves it up to the browser how to deal with a file – open it directly in the browser window or offer it for download. For some formats, it is possible to define a download or “save file” option in the browser settings. For the…

    5 votes
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