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8 results found

  1. "Unassign" functionality in Permanent TA

    In SIP TA (Submissions – Technical Issues) it is possible to unassign a SIP that is assigned to somebody else by clicking on “Unassign”.
    However, this is not possible in Permanent TA (Data Management – Technical Issues) – there is no way to unassign an IE that is assigned to another person. This can be an issue if that person is absent for a longer period and the IE remains blocked. The only possible workaround I can think of is to change the other person’s password and use his/her user account to unassign the IE – but that’s certainly not…

    15 votes
  2. Search for "unknown" extensions

    It is currently not possible to search for files with extensions that are not recorded in the Format Library, such as .md or .cxml, because they are not included in the autocomplete list. So there is no way to build sets of files with such “unknown” extensions. According to Ex Libris, there is an open issue on this subject: DPS-16975. I would like to suggest that increased attention be given to this issue and that a solution be planned for one of the upcoming releases.

    20 votes
  3. Rework/rewrite AIP update functionality

    Since version 4, Rosetta includes a feature called AIP update. This feature is used mainly by libraries to alter data in the permanent repository, which might be necessary for a number of reasons. Metadata might need updating due to a typo or due to new research results, new files that weren't included in the original ingest might be added, or existing files might be altered with higher resolution versions or to repair defective files. Libraries tend to use this feature, because they regularly ingest SIPs that include a minimal set of metadata. Later, when full metadata have been allotted or…

    37 votes

    A major aspect of this request has been delivered as part of v6.2 – support for control over version increments through APIs – and as agreed, the area of AIP updates will continue being discussed through the working groups. Due to this, I will close the issue as completed.
    Thank you,

  4. Report or other method to show locked IEs

    IEs can be locked due to different reasons. A user may have manually locked an object in Permanent and forgotten to unlock it, or there may be an issue with a hanging or incorrectly aborted processes, causing an IE to be locked by a system process.
    Locked objects cause problems in the system, especially when trying to run another process over a locked IE. Currently, there is no available method through which the user can check which IEs are locked. We currently have to open a ticket with support who identifies locked IEs for us.
    It would be helpful to…

    11 votes
    Completed  ·  Adi Alter responded

    I’m happy to let you know that this report was implemented and will be available as part of Rosetta version 5.3.

  5. customizable staff_work_area per institution

    As people who ingest data into and export data from Rosetta we would like to export IEs per institution.

    Currently the export directory for the whole consortium is (in our installation) /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffwork_area/

    Subdirectories are created when a user exports something for the first time. The subdirectories are named after the user, e.g. for user admin1 /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffwork_area/admin1/.

    We would like to have the export directory per institution, e.g. /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffworkarea/institution1/ or /exlibris1/operationalshared/staffworkarea/institution2/. The creation of subdirectories for users is fine as it is and we would like to keep that…

    33 votes
  6. Flagging SIPs as Deleted when all IEs are deleted/purged

    One of our institutions keeps track of the ingested SIPs in an external application. Here, it is currently not easily possible to trace SIPs for which all IEs have been deleted.

    When deleting all IEs of a SIP in Permanent, the SIP itself cannot be found in a search in Permanent - however, the SIP itself is not flagged as deleted in the SIP Report and its status remains as "Permanent/Finsished" when querying for SIP Status via the API. External applications therefore can't easily see that the SIP actually doesn't exist anymore.

    For external integrations it would be helpful to…

    18 votes
  7. CRUD Reporting for Set and Process Management

    Auditing information when a set is created and deleted.
    Creating and deleting a process.
    Track a user that either creates or deletes a process or set.

    3 votes
    Completed  ·  Adi Alter responded

    We are happy to let you now that a report enabling tracking of different events, including CRUD reporting for set and process management, was added to Rosetta version 5.3 (August 2017).

  8. Logical Structmap Editor

    A logical structmap editor that can be used in the Deposit UI and the Meditor. It will be created based on the directory structure within the streams directory and will enable editing the logical structmap via the UI.

    16 votes
    Completed  ·  Adi Alter responded

    There are actually two requests here – one for the Meditor and one for the Deposit UI,
    As per version 5.1 a logical StructMap editor was added to the Meditor, as part of the new XML editor.
    I believe that there is less need for such an editor in the Deposit UI as depositors may not have the required knowledge in order to edit a StructMap.
    I will therefore mark this idea as implemented. If there is also a need for such an editor in the deposit UI, please open a separate case and those interested should cast their votes there.

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