Bitstream information in Bitstreams Tab
Researchers often use zip or tar files in order to upload large amounts of research data in various formats. Bytestream extraction is a useful tool for analyzing the content of these container files. The resulting bitstream information is written in the METS and displayed in the BitStreams Tab in the Web Editor. The information includes BS ID, file name, file original path, extension, mime type and format ID (if successfully identified).
We would like to suggest the following improvements for the BitStreams Tab and the bitstream information in general:
1) Include Bitstream size. The relevant values can be found in the table “HDBITSTREAMREF” in the field “FILESIZEBYTES”.
2) Display bitstreams in order of path/filename: the bitstream list should reflect the order of the files in the zip or tar file. Currently they are displayed in random order.
3) Make bitstream information searchable

Franziska Geisser commented
I am glad to see that suggestion no. 1 has been implemented with SP 5.4.