Confess too much syfy latest tech/ holographic multi display of information - data, text, and image · Closed
Print and email options in Primo do not contain important holding data from Alma iframe · Closed
Include access information as part of the data that are published from Alma to Primo for Alma-D records · Completed
Create/add in the ability to show and filter ALL content by place of publication and other data point relevant for decolonising collections
Include the item barcode as part of the data published from Alma to Primo in the AVA field to improve item search in Primo · Completed
Use data in the Physical Condition field to create a conditional message in the On Hold Shelf Letter · Closed
We'd like the ability to add additional status options for databases in the data management module, for example, open access. · Already Supported
When importing, it would be better to keep the option "Duplicate Checking Options" before introducing in data base as in Legacy Refworks · Completed
When building index tables, include data from all bib records (even if no holdings) and from all holdings records (even if no items). · Closed
Implement OAI-PMH attribute completeListSize to element resumptionToken
Don’t reload the app when clicking ‘new search’! · Closed
Analytics Usage SA- include size of results output · Closed
Please can you add a "Physics World Discovery" collection in Primo · Already Supported
Please can you add a "Physics World Discovery" collection. There has been high demand from this by our customers. · Already Supported
Add 007 to MARC control identifiers for display and search normalization
Search with 'OR' using DeepLinks · Closed
Grades Product integration
Save emails to and from Patrons for Requests · Closed
Primo VE: enable search fields for the deepURLs
Add link "Back to results list" on the e-Shelf · Closed