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  1. Enforce file download in Rosetta Delivery  ·  Completed

  2. Primo VE: Record elements tag field in file splitter of generic XML discovery import profiles to support X-Path

  3. Add events (citation modifications, etc) by library staff to Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject area in Analytics  ·  Closed

  4. Allow files to be organized in folders  ·  Under Review

  5. Improve the export to excel from the physical item records search list  ·  Closed

  6. Data accompanying article

  7. "Release 1", "Release 2" and "Release 3" collections for IOP Publishing Content in Primo, Alma, Summon  ·  Already Supported

  8. The search should allow for changing each search criteria between And/OR, and allow for more free text fields (all as 'OR' queries).

  9. Restrict access by data field  ·  Closed

  10. Prevent portfolio loader from wiping out local coverage  ·  Closed

  11. Create a reference based on a URL

  12. Allow regex in description templates  ·  Closed

  13. ability to customize xsl to better display creator names  ·  Closed

  14. Recommender for standing expressions (that have little or nothing in common with an actual title)

  15. Customize response page for error 404 resource not found

  16. SHARE

  17. Make collection and subcollection names discoverable in the Collections lobby.

  18. Make the "Has Content" indicator responsive not just to tables and lists, but also to fields and drop-down options  ·  Closed

  19. Download data from analysis mode  ·  Already Supported

  20. untangle format identification/validation/MDextraction

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