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28 results found
Update folder counts upon import
Currently, after importing references from a file and specifying a folder location, the folder count isn't updated until a browser refresh. This can be troublesome because it then prompts to (re)import the folder.
4 votesAdded with April 9, 2024 release.
include web retrieval date in bibliography
I am using APA 7th addition and the bibliography is 'Checked' on. I want to include the retrieval date for my websites I am referencing, but I don't know how to add it?
1 vote -
Import "Google Scholar" as source
Seeing references imported from Google Scholar, its "Source Name" field is "Google". Is it possible to change it to "Google Scholar"?
8 votes -
Make DOI field available automatically for manual reference input
DOI field is the most important for manual reference input (journal). However it is not visible automatically and has to be added. However this has to be done each time which is very inconvenient with a large number of references. Can it be made automatically available on ref input screen or give option to select our choice of fields for this screen
24 votesWe are happy to announce that this has been implemented in the RefWorks September release. DOI is now automatically available in the Reference Editor. For more information, please visit 2022 RefWorks Release Information.
New Folder
Importing a citation from an external source, the site asks what folder. Can you put a create folder ability on the window? The window 'pull' down that lists my current folder/location. It would be helpful to have the ability to create a new folder there. Right now, you have to go out of the import window, etc.
Also, importing citations, the same window asking for the location. When you select a check box, the window doesn't auto close (which it should). To close your selection, you must mouse click out on the page. Then the window closes, but doesn't show…
14 votesRefWorks added this feature in the January 2023 release:
Allow alteration of Tags at import
Without increasing the number of clicks to import, please add the function to change tags at import. This function could be added to the Import References/Assign to Folder page without requiring additional clicks if the user is happy with the tags being brought in.
3 votes -
5 votes
RefWorks now offers option to ignore exact duplicates during import.
Multiple URLs on record import - separate? or block
Records can't support two links in the URL field, but mutliple URLS on import are all placed there. Some databases (Ovid) allow inclusion of either the "permalink" record URL and/or the external link resolver (full text). When the records are in Refworks, neither link works because they are in one URL field with a space separating them. It would be great if RW could support multiple links for a record (via import) but if not, then perhaps block on space or on the next "http" found?
7 votesWe are happy to update that records now support multiple links in the URL field. This has been implemented in the May release.
Legacy vs New Proquest button does not save choice to always choose
The "don't ask me this again" checkbox does not work. I need to make this choice everytime I import. Even after clearing cookies.
3 votesI’m happy to update that this issue was fixed in the October release, and the selection is now saved. The saved selection can be cleared by clearing cookies.
Add a ref type for "dissertation"
There is no reference type in RefWorks for dissertations, only theses. In APA style, citations for dissertations and theses are formatted differently so RefWorks should offer an additional reference type.
70 votesRefWorks added Thesis/Dissertation reference type in December 2022:
Import PMID from PubMed by Save to RefWorks
Please improve Save to RefWorks to import PMID from PubMed.
95 votesRefWorks is happy to announce this was implemented in the February 2023 release.
Improve import of author's names
The most common problem we see with the formatting of references is that the author's first and last name are treated as one field, so that the in-text citation would read (Ali Smith, 2017) rather than (Smith, 2017). This happens quite a lot, is there a way to improve the export/importing of author's names?
24 votesWe are happy to announce Author improvements were completed in 2024 Q2 release. More details are available here:
Change "Select All" to read "Select All ON THIS PAGE" when moving citations from Last Imported
When moving citations from Last Imported to a folder, the default option is to "Select all" but that wording is misleading - it only selects the citations shown on the page, which defaults to 50. If you just imported 51 citations, "Select All" doesn't actually select all, it selects only the first 50.
5 votesThis change was made in the July 2019 RefWorks release.
Edit author
Sometimes authors have to be entered in manually. This is especially the case when I import PDFs - RefWorks captures the wrong authors. However, it would be easier if we could rearrange the order of authors manually. Currently, if I accidentally delete the first author or skipped a third author, I can't go back and add these authors in their correct order. Instead, I have to re-type all the author names again in the correct order.
Please allow authors to be manually added and allow us to add authors in a specific order/ wherever we click in the author section.
4 votesWe are happy to announce Author improvements were completed in 2024 Q2 release. More details are available here:
Import citations into multiple projects at once
Please add new function to import citations into multiple projects at once.
11 votes -
Importing from Legacy RefWorks doesn't organize them by their orignal folder. I have 171 references that are just dumped into my library.
Let me import my FOLDERS from legacy refworks.
1 vote -
Attachments stall, never completely finish
Many users have noticed that when PDF attachments are uploaded, they take a very long time in the processing/uploading phase, and sometimes the progress bar stalls at 50% and never finishes.
110 votesI am happy to update that improvements to the pdf upload process were released in the RefWorks Dec. release. These improvements impact upload of pdfs within RefWorks; improvements to saving pdfs with Save to RefWorks will be handled separately.
Allow users to link their ProQuest MyResearch account to New RefWorks
At the moment, you can only link the two if you have an account in the old RefWorks.
3 votesI am happy to update that this has been completed. MyResearch users who have a (new) RefWorks account can link their accounts. Refer to the release notes for more information: -
Importing references: Option to save to a specific folder
Users should have the option to import references directly to a specific folder.
11 votesI’m happy to update that this feature was included in the March 2020 release.
Save to Refworks button is not functional
The save to refworks button for chrome is not functional. About 90% of the time when I try to use it and input all the information, the loading bar goes and goes (Uploading 1 of 1.......) and eventually after about a minute it says it was unable to import anything (We're sorry, we were unable to save to RefWorks. We tried, but came up empty.) So frustrating. As said before, this service is great, but quite a few basic functionalities are from from actually functioning properly. These need to be fixed. A quick import button is a huge draw of…
57 votesImprovements have been made to the Save to RefWorks feature. If you encounter issues with any websites, please let us know by contacting tech support at
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