J-GLOBAL by 科学技術振興機構 (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
Please add the collection: J-GLOBAL by 科学技術振興機構 (Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan) to Central Discovery Index (CDI).
This is an open access, comprehensive website for scientific and technical information with 10 types of information, such as articles, researchers, patents, etc. It’s an essential online service for Japanese scientists. This collection is available in alma CZ (Collection ID: 6114032540000041), but adding this to the CDI will make it more convenient for users.
J-GLOBAL home: https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/
Contents: https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/aboutus/content
Contact: https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/info/contact