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39 results found

  1. Restore the ability to search note fields with Basic Search

    We request that the ability to search note fields using basic search be restored as before.
    The note fields contain many important keywords to help users encounter the materials they need.

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  2. Full title of search result on mouseover (titles are truncated on smaller screens)

    Problem: Summon users who have smaller display screens (such as laptops) are not seeing the full title for search results – instead search results are being truncated with the remainder of the title not visible for the user.
    For academic journal articles that often have long titles, this means that users are not able to properly identify a search result’s relevance.
    Currently, the only way these users can find out the full title is by clicking through each result and going directly to the source. This is undesirable for users as is time consuming and clunky.

    Proposed solution: We propose…

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  3. Creating reliable linking to open access content, depending on authentication

    We have run into issues with open access materials leading to a paywalled (authentication required) link, within Summon. From a patron's perspective, when they click the "Open Access" facet, all results should be open access content, but this is not always the case, based on the Match & Merge process. To fix this, and allow patrons interested in OA content to reliably link to OA content, could we order the links in records based on whether or not a patron has already logged in and authenticated in our Summon instance? If they have not authenticated and choose open access, the…

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  4. Add style guide for ACS (American Chemical Society)

    Now that we've added IEEE, could we add ACS style format for citation style options? Thanks!

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  5. refworks export

    Include the functionality to select multiple results to export to Refworks (etc) via the dropdown menu.

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  6. Open Access databases on the 360 KB

    Please provide a filter or category to look up Open Access databases on the 360 Client Center.

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  7. Provide cloud storage with a login for saved items

    It is confusing for the saved items to disappear. It would be great if users could log in to Summon to save their items.

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  8. Set up ‘search within’ functionality for ProQuest One Literature in Summon

    Would it be possible to set up 'search within' functionality in Summon for the One Literature database? I understand that this is not currently possible at present so have been recommended to suggest this via the Ideas Exchange.

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  9. Update Summon Citation Generator to Current Editions

    The citation generator in Summon is not using the most current style guides. In particular, we are most concerned about APA, AMA, and MLA. We request that those are updated to the most current versions and the Knowledge Center article updated accordingly. Thanks!

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  10. Add OSCOLA as a referencing output option

    We have a Law school who use OSCOLA ( as their referencing style.
    Would any other Summon users find it helpful if this referencing style could be added to the output options?

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  11. Apply Open Access Indicator only when link in search result is open access

    Because article-level linking is not yet available for some open access databases, Summon is providing links in to non-open access sources while displaying the Open Access Indicator which is confusing for those searching Summon without the credentials for accessing licensed resources. Example: Levasseur, T. J. (2012). THE ENVIRONMENT CONTAINS NO "RIGHT" AND "LEFT": NAVIGATING IDEOLOGY, RELIGION, AND VIEWS OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SOCIETY. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 11(33), 62-88.

    Either include in the Summon result a link to the open access database where a publication is available open access, or remove the Open…

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  12. Link to all full-text options from within Summon results, alongside 1-click

    Given the new issues with framed resources and the sidebar, I'd like to suggest the option to add a link to all full-text sources for a given article directly within the Summon results. That way, even with the sidebar turned off, users can still find alternative sources of full-text if the "top" source from 1-click doesn't work as expected.

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  13. Add ability to apply your EZproxy to the DOI field links in Summon search results

    Currently in Summon search results, the DOI field provides a link that does not include EZproxy. So users might get to the item via this DOI link but since they have not arrived there through EZproxy, they might not be properly authenticated for access. Please give the option to prepend your EZproxy URL to the DOI links.

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  14. Allow facet for "Online" (electronic) vs "In the Library" (physical)

    A simple facet that helps users distinguish between electronic materials online and physical materials in the library.
    Using the current "Refine your Search" facet for this purpose feels problematic: "Full text online" feels jargony in our context and also isn't intuitive that it would include non-textual electronic resources such as streaming audio and video, while "Library Catalog" feels similarly jargony and includes electronic records that exist in our catalog. This facet also includes other options that are valuable, but in the facet I am proposing simplicity in having only those two options would be ideal.

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    Included in the May 2021 release, with an update in the June 2021 maintenance release. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can activate the facets (Physical Book Processing) in your Summon site, then preview the results on your preview site after a search index update (usually within 7 days).

  15. Add library location and genre to advanced search options

    Several facets are already on the advanced search option screen, but we'd like to see added the library location facet and genre for those that use the advanced search feature regularly.

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    Completed partially as part of the 2022 Advanced Search update for Summon. Library Location is now available as an option on the Advanced Search form. 

    For Genre, you can still search that as an option at the top of the Advanced Search form, but it is not available in a similar format as Library Location.

  16. Include MARC 505 and 511 fields in the Details Page

    For music recordings and films, it is particularly important to include the 505 and 511 fields to identify the unique aspects of an item. These fields are currently indexed in Summon, but not displayed, and Syndetics is not complete enough to replace them. Additionally, it can be confusing to users to have items in the search results for key terms found in the 505 and 511, but not displayed in the record.

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  17. Keep search refinements when moving to Advanced search

    Reported by our Business librarians ...

    I lose my search refinements if I jump from search results into advanced. For example, run a default search for something like, apple company profile, then refine it to reports. Click the link to advanced search, change the drop down to Title and press search. The report refinement is gone and has to be selected again.

    If there is a way to keep your existing refinements, I would like that.

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  18. Add SAML / federated / "Shibboleth" login option for saved searches

    As the Summon Saved Searches function is being developed, options for authentication and storage using external web-scale identity systems have been added - Google account authentication / Google Drive, and Microsoft account authentication / Microsoft OneDrive.

    My institution has avoided promoting this new feature because we have a strong policy of requiring all authentication to institutional systems, to be via institutional login.

    I would like to see a SAML-based, federated (i.e. UK Access Management Federation) authentication option for this feature.

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  19. export search results

    It would be helpful if users could export an entire set of search results without first having to send them to the folder one by one. If it's too complicated to engineer a way to "select all" with any quantity of results, perhaps just being able to "select and export all" when there are fewer than 100 results would be of some use.

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  20. Relevancy rankings

    Change relevancy rankings to push articles above books and e-books (or at least not favor books). Most Summon users want articles more than books.

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