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8 results found
Integrate LibGuides Database A-Z list into Summon search
We add all our databases and library resources as Best Bets so that users can find them when they search Summon. This doesn't work particularly well as the Best Bets search and display functionality is minimal.
We also maintain a complete Database A-Z list in LibGuides. It would save staff time and provide a better user experience if these could be indexed in Summon using the LibGuides API (as our LibGuides are indexed in Summon), instead of relying on Best Bets which isn't suited to this task.
104 votesCompleted as part of the 2020 roadmap.
Ability to remove the long URL when exporting from Summon to RefWorks
When bibliographic data is exported from Summon into RefWorks the Summon link is included.
Is it possible to not include this link for books specifically?
Or to have an option to exclude the link.Currently they look like this: and as you can imagine this does not look good in a bibliography (We have to tell students to remove the links, which is far from ideal)
Goleman, D. (2005). Emotional intelligence (10th anniversary ed.). New York: Bantam Books. Retrieved from
96 votesThis has been completed as part of the Summon 2021 Roadmap.
Create an LTI for Summon so that it can be integrated into LMS (Canvas or others).
We want to integrate Summon into our Learning Management Ssystem (LMS) which is Canvas. The easiest way to do this is if we use an existing library service that has an LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability').
Libraries who add search option are using some kind of library LTI product. That's the only way to add something in the sidebar of a Canvas course. Our ILS/catalog does not off an LTI application for connecting it to an LMS. It would be a great improvement if Summon offered an LTI.
92 votesCompleted in the February 2024 release.
Distinguish between author and editor in Summon results and citations
Before RDA, catalogue records did not clearly distinguish between the author and editor of a work, so Summon could not do this either. We would like Summon results and citations to separate author and editor, where this is possible. This would be particularly helpful when exporting citations to reference manager software such as RefWorks. Currently editors are always imported into the author field. This has caused our users problems as it means their references are inaccurate, unless they notice the problem and manually fix it.
In RDA, terms such as author and editor can be added to the names given…
61 votesCompleted as part of the 2020 roadmap.
Create system agnostic ways to integrate with the UI e.g. chat and readings
At the moment, you have to cross your fingers and hope ProQuest/ExLibris partner with the system you want integrated. For example Summon supports LibraryH3lp, Springshare's LibAnswers or OCLC's QuestionPoint chat widgets. We use a different system. I would like to see fields in the Admin console that are not provider specific. e.g. Enter your chat widget code here. Similarly we would like to see integration with our course readings system. That system has APIs that would allow us to link out to lists based on a course/unit code search. It would be great if there was a way to introduce…
38 votesThis functionality is available via custom panels: Summon: Administration Console: Custom Panel Sections - Ex Libris Knowledge Center
Make Scopus citations live links or change to make clear not live like WoS
We have both Scopus and Web of Science. In Summon the WoS links are live but Scopus is simply a number. However, as they both look the same this leads to users thinking Scopus is not working properly. Can we either have a live link to Scopus or some change in the design to make it clear the Scopus link is nothing more than a number?
28 votesCompleted as part of the July 2017 Release
Mechanism for Best Bets to 'harvest' LibAnswers FAQs (from SpringShare)
LibAnswers FAQs have topics, keywords, titles and serve a similar purpose to best bets (in our approach anyway).
An automated regular harvest of these merged with existing best bets makes it easy to share the workload managing this sort of content and pushes us closer to the idea that searching Summon is literally searching the Library.
11 votesCompleted as part of the 2020 roadmap.
Make Ulrich smarter in 360 EJP
When a user selects the arrow to see "Journal Details" information from Ulrichs is presented, along with an option to see "More from" When the link is selected, however, it opens Ulrich and you have to re-enter the title. The suggestion is the title should be retained.
3 votesResolved in the Q2 2019 release
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