Change the message students see when clicking an LTI link if a course deliberately has no reading list
When students click an LTI link for a course with no reading list associated, they currently see a message saying that there is no reading list for the module. This message also displays even when the course has been marked as deliberately having no reading list.
This means students do not know whether there is deliberately no reading list, or whether one should be expected, and they have to contact their tutor or the Library to find out, causing needless confusion.
We would like the text of the message to be different if there is deliberately no reading list, so that students know not to expect one. The label should be configurable so institutions can choose their own wording.
This is a missing part of the NERS2022 7744 enhancement 'Indicate courses that deliberately have no reading list' as although courses can be marked as having no reading list, there is no onward indication to users, here students that this has actually been the case which is an essential gap.
This is available in the November 2023 release, developed through the NERS enhancement cycle.