Allow 'learning technologist' role to see all lists/course information associated with a specific Academic Department
As we work with Academic Departments, we increasingly find that a departmental colleague has a key role as a "learning technologist" or admin in the VLE (CMS) Blackboard Moodle, Canvas etc etc. In order to help them manage and support reading list creation across an entire department it would really help if it was possibly to associate a User in Alma with an Academic department so they could see all the lists associated with that department, whether draft or published.
NB because of the numbers, this idea would return us to the issue of librarians seeing too much in My Lists and not being able (until Nov 17) to get rid of lists. So it also argues for a course level view in My Lists for such people, but then main thing is that there is a distinct need for these non-library staff users to have access to edit and view all departmental reading lists, and importantly reading list analytics.
Chris Jones commented
The November Release added the Leganto Course Operator role which "enables a user to view and modify all reading lists in Leganto. Like a librarian, a Leganto course operator can search for all lists on the Find Lists page in Leganto, including ones that are in draft status. In contrast, an instructor can only search published lists and can only modify reading lists of the course to which he or she is associated or is an own" - testing if works along similar lines as the above.