Add task in Alma to easily identify "Reading Lists with Citation Link Reported as Broken"
User Story: As a Library staff who needs to process Leganto Reading Lists, I want to be able view "Reading Lists with Citation Link Reported as Broken" as an Alma Task, so that I can immediately identify and remediate Reading Lists with citation resource issues (such as broken links).
Current scenario:
1. Go to Alma Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Reading Lists
2. Click on 'All' tab (takes several seconds to load the page)
3. Select "Citation Link Reported as Broken" from Alerts filter
Expected scenario:
1. Go to Alma Tasks > Reading List - citation link reported as broken
This request was added and developed in the Leganto Feb. 2018 release
Lyn Porteous commented
This would be better if it opened the Citation List not the Reading List .
Feb. release - Go to Alma tasks > Reading lists > Citations with broken links > List of reading lists with broken links
Expected scenario:
Go to Alma Tasks > Reading lists > Citations with broken links > Citation list filtered by broken links.Broken links are most likely to be dealt with by a central processing team, who do not want to go into each of the reading lists separately to mend the links.