Registered Users - Date Range Search Improvements
The Date Range search on the Registered Users page would benefit from a number of improvements to make it simpler & clearer to use:
The Date Range field is not intuitive - To populate this (amending the Default value) you have to select the From and the To date at the same time within the single calendar pop-up that appears when you click into the field. This is then populated in the field when you exit the calendar and you can click Done to complete the search.
However - When I undertake a search From: 01/01/2010 and To: Today (as the last date available), the results returned are a few short of the full expected total, so I'm not sure what is happening here?
If you only select one date from the calendar pop-up after clicking into the Date Range field, this is populated, but when you exit the field it goes blank. However, this date does seem to be accepted as a single From date and on clicking Done, the search completed returns corresponding results. This is not immediately obvious from the start.
At present Date Range is a single field. It would be better if this was 2 separate fields, with individual calendar pop-up's for clearer selection/population of the chosen From and To dates. Having the option to clearly populate just the From date as well as both the From and To dates would also be helpful.
It is not currently clear which Date field in the Registered Users table the Date Range search references. It would be useful if you could choose which Date field you wished to search, with the option of searching both still available.
In addition, there is no guidance on how the Date Range search works in the Registered Users section of this page: - This would be helpful in understanding this feature, so perhaps could also be updated.