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28 results found
Developer Network master NZ account that can access/support each member IZ
This is an idea to improve the infrastructure of the Developer Network for consortia central offices.
Consider the case of support staff in the central office of a consortia. When using the Ex Libris Support Center, we are able to view open cases from across our consortia members and update them, assist them, etc as necessary, using our central consortia "master accounts"
Unfortunately, in the Developer Network, we have a central account, but it is only connected to our Network Zone for managing API keys, seeing API usage, and managing users. If we want to be able to support all…
51 votesAfter a thorough analysis of your request, we regret to inform you that, due to technical constraints within our current system architecture, we are unable to provide a solution that would allow a central NZ API account with the "user manager" role to also manage member IZ accounts directly.
While we understand this may not be the desired outcome, the existing method you are utilizing—creating separate accounts for each Institution Zone and using the "+IZName" email convention—remains the only feasible approach at this time. We recognize the limitations of this workaround, particularly concerning multi-factor authentication and administrative overhead, and we truly empathize with the challenges it presents.
We remain committed to enhancing our systems and will continue to evaluate possibilities for improving consortia support in the future. Your feedback is invaluable, and we encourage you to share any additional ideas or concerns you may have.
Thank you again for your…
Allow for IZ-to-IZ reporting capabilities in Alma Analytics
When in an Alma institution zone, one can query a title MMS ID, grab the network ID from the record, and look up all institutions in the network with a holding for that title. You can even drill down into those records to see the barcodes for the individual items at other institutions. But there is no way to replicate this same query in Alma Analytics. When part of a network, there should be an easy way to use Alma Analytics to see all barcodes of a title across the entire network to compare holdings.
2 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Implement the ability to display when the Network Activity tab has content
When you look up a patron in Fulfillment, if there's content under the Loans, Returns, or Requests tab, the top right corner of the tab is turned down. For schools that are part of a consortium/fulfillment network and have a Network Activity tab in addition to Loans, Returns, and Requests, the corner of the Network Activity tab is never turned down, even if the patron has items checked out from another institution in the network. (Please see attached screen shot.)
If it's possible to enable a blue turned-down corner for the Network Activity tab in order to indicate content, it…
12 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Metadata Editor, New menu for Rules needs Placement Options choice
In the new metadata editor, when a user has either records or templates selected as the working context, the New menu includes a choice for Placement Options that allows the user to change where records are saved (IZ or NZ). At present (5/13/2021), when Rules is the editing context, there is no ability to change where rules are saved.
Without access to the Placement Options dialog, a user has to save and close the rule being edited. Then the user must change to one of the other contexts (Records or Templates) in order to access the dialog and change to…
7 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Fulfillment Network AFN- Add "Manual Locate Job" id to Borrowing Request details; Add Borrowing Request ID to "Manual Locate Job" details
In an Automated Fulfillment Network (AFN), when an institution's user places a resource sharing borrowing request, Alma runs the "Manual Locate Job" to build the rota for the request. The job report can be viewed in the Admin> Manage Jobs and Sets> Monitor Jobs> Job History.
Currently, the only way to match the "Manual Locate Job" for a specific user's borrowing request, back to that borrowing request as listed in Fulfillment> Resource Sharing> Borrowing Request is by timestamp.
Please add the Manual Locate Job's identifier to the user's Fulfillment> Resource Sharing> Borrowing Request details, as well as adding the Borrowing…
4 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Local Authorities for Network Zone linked records
Alma provides the possibility of local authorities for cataloguing in an Institutional Zone and its local records. Unfortunately I cannot use those local authorities if I work in a Network Zone environment for records linked to the Network Zone.
I would like to:
a. define the local authority in the Institution Zone.
b. Link to this local authority in a local field 6XX (= with $$9LOCAL) via F3 in MDE even if the bibliographic record is linked to the Network Zone.140 votesDear community,
We analyzed this suggestion and the possible ways to implement it.
Due to technical limitations and risks we will not be able to implement this request in the near future.
Allow an IZ to be its own RS fulfillment network partner
In order to limit the request links that users must choose from, we would like to use resource sharing requests and the automated fulfillment network to first check local holdings and use that if available, then go to our fulfillment network partners if not. The most straight forward way to do this would be to make our IZ a fulfillment network partner and create an ordered rota template that would be applied before the template with our other partners.
12 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Allow SuppressedBibWithSuppressedHol for Network Zone environments
Currently when publishing to Primo VE from a Network Zone environment a BIB record with all holdings suppressed is not suppressed even if the SuppressedBibWithSuppressedHol is active.
We see that excluding items from publishing based on process type has the desired effect on the BIB record when all items have the process type that is excluded from publishing. We want the same to be applicable for suppressed locations.12 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Restricting Alma Logins by local network IP Range
We would like to be able to restrict alma logins based on their internal IP address and not just their Public IP address.
Currently we can restrict by IP address but the restriction is only applying network wide to our public IP address.
Our goal is to restrict alma logins to specific machines on our network.
3 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Network Zone Advanced search should allow a search for "Held By"
The ability to quickly run a repository search for an institution or institutions holdings as well as when "Held by" is Null in the Network Zone would be extremely useful for weeding and Network Zone Clean-up.
Currently, the NZ does not have the ability to search using "Held by". To gather information for specific Institutions or when "Held by" is null requires an analytics report or exporting sets, which are limited to approximately 100K results.
Creating a search index for "Held by" for Network Zone advanced searches would be a great improvement to the functionality of working with a Network…
16 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Allow the Primo widget to report on publishing jobs performed in the Network Zone
The Primo Dashboard widget in our environment does not provide details on the "last publishing job". According to Ex Libris support, this is by design since our publishing job occurs in the Network Zone, rather than the IZ. Many Alma users operate in consoritial environments. Please design the widget so that it also reports on publishing jobs performed in the Network Zone.
4 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Fulfillment Network Search in Alma Network Zone
I’d like the ability to only search the other colleges in our fulfillment network in an Alma network zone search. A current search of the network zone shows holdings from all of the different colleges in our consortium, but there is no way to narrow that search down to only show holdings from colleges in your fulfillment network unless you go into Primo.
It’d be nice to take Primo’s functionality of only searching your fulfillment network’s holdings and apply that filter to an Alma network zone search via a facet or something of that nature.
1 voteHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Electronic Collection Activation - Ability to specify Inventory groups
I would like to request there be an option to specify inventory groups when activating an electronic collection from the community zone. We actively share our Alma with another institution and utilize inventory network groups. When activating an community zone collection, there is currently no option to specify inventory group(s) the collection (or FT service) belongs to . This causes those portfolios to appear in ALL primo views until we can specify groups AFTER the activation process is finished.
19 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
When there are multiple entries in same field, allow Alma analytics to export data meets certain criteria
It is found that value is incomplete in Network number field if the number of characters is exceed 256.
Record (CKB)2670000000194915 has multiple 035 fields. When export network number field, all following values are missing:
(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000767305; (PQKBManifestationID)12331889; (SSID)ssj0000767305; (PQKB)10065432; (PQKBWorkID)14881543; (PQKBTitleCode)TC0001591939; (PQKBManifestationID)16288727; (SSID)ssj0001591939; (OCoLC)793110778; (EBL)1033794; (CKB)2670000000194915It would be very helpful if I can export only data begins with (CKB), etc.
9 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Cataloguing statistics
I'd like to suggest to add features that make generating cataloguing statistics easier, e.g.
1. cataloguing date
(We want a date format field that is stored as a local field, independent of the 005 MARC field because every time the record is edited, the date and time details in 005 field will be changed, and often these activities should not be counted as a cataloguing event.)
2. cataloguer details
3. whether this is original cataloguing or copy cataloguing
4. whether this is a cataloguing contribution from Institution Zone to the Network Zone, or vice versa (i.e. copied from the Network…9 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
When searching, you can choose the scope from your institution, to Network Zone, to Community Zone. This choice should stick.
I work in Resource Sharing, and mostly in the Network Zone. I have to choose "network" every time I search something. It would be great if once I selected the NZ scope it would stick and stay there for every search.
6 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Short url in sharing Buttons Added To Alma Digital Viewers
At the October 2018 release the following change was made "Social Network Sharing Buttons Added To Alma Digital Viewers". Now it would be a good idea to add the option to generate a "short url" for the records, since it generates a very long url for services such as twitter for example.
Thanks16 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
make the bunch of XSD publicly available
We use JAXB to generate classes from the XSDs of the API.
The only way we know to obtain these XSDs is to click through the developer network and to collect the single files from
There is no chance to stay up to date except permanently pulling the resources again and to diff them with what you have already.
In fact this is what we do but smells like somthing from stone age and has the handicap that we never find out if there is NEW XSDs (as we have to know the name of something for pulling).
10 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Include Network IDs of linked bib records in quick export of bib records to Excel
Please include Network IDs of linked bib records in the quick export of bib records to Excel. Currently the export does not contain Network IDs of linked records. If it includes the Network IDs, we can simply copy the Network IDs, and use them to create a set in the NZ, for further global updating. We need the Network IDs to create an NZ set especially when the original repository search criteria are based on some local contents, which do not exist in the NZ environment. In other words, if we want to create an NZ set based on the…
2 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Combined IZ + NZ bib headings browsing
Please open an option to do a combined IZ + NZ bib headings browsing. Currently we have to choose browse in Institution or Network. But this really misses the point of a browsing -- we want to browse all the NZ + IZ records, and don't want to separate things into pieces.
Please also consider opening combined browsing for each heading type category -- e.g. within subjects, open an option for combined subject browsing, rather than currently have separate sub-category e.g. chronological, topical etc. The current browsing options are too tedious, and we do appreciate you to open more combined…
1 voteHello All,
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