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15 results found

  1. Allow User to Customize how many Issues are Predicted.

    Area of concern: Serials Prediction in Alma.

    Currently, Alma’s 853 Predictive Patterns and the 'Open Predicted Items' function, are only capable of predicting an entire year’s worth of serial issues at one time. This is often not ideal, and libraries would benefit from being able to predict more, or fewer issues, as needed.

    What should be changed: As Serials Processors, we would like the option to customize how many issues are predicted at one time. This would benefit the workflow by allowing more issues to quickly be created at once; when retrospectively creating item records for pre-migration issues. It would…

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

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    Alma Product Team

  2. Notify receiving operator how many item(s) under the same POL has/has not been received

    During partially receive physical items, we suggest the system can auto notify receiving operator that how many item(s) under the same POL has/has not been received.

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    Alma Product Team

  3. Bring back the "back" button on the metadata editor screen

    In the new metadata editor there is no back button anymore! Please bring it back. I often go from editing a new item into the holdings record to add a call number and then need to go directly back into the item creation page. With no back button from the MDE it takes three times as long.

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  4. Receive notification should trigger when item is received

    Currently, when entering a POL and having it set to notify someone when the item is received, the notification is not sent until it fully completes the receiving, cataloging, then being checked in at the fulfillment desk.

    To keep from items showing up as "available" when received, we have it set to "keep items in area." But because of this, the receive notifications do not trigger until the whole process is complete.

    We have some of our receiving and invoicing separate. Items will come in and go through the whole process before the trigger that they are received and the…

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    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

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    Alma Product Team

  5. Add item policy column to Received Items List

    When receipting books, one of the checks we make is the Item Policy. All our other checks (Shelf mark, location, barcode etc.) are on the Received Items List page, but when we go to check the item policy, the column is not there. We have to go into each one individually to check the item policy.
    I tried looking in the 'Manage column display' option, but the item policy column is not listed there. Please could it be added in?

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    Alma Product Team

  6. increase the number of received item per page and make the maximum of item displayed per page controllable

    In the Receive menu, the maximum number of items displayed per page is only 20. Please increase the number to 50, 100 or something. And, please give the option of selecting the number of items to display per page according to user’s preference.

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    Alma Product Team

  7. Filter POLs in Receive New Material by Date Sent

    The list of POLs on the Receive New Material page can currently be filtered by vendor and owning library. It would be helpful to also filter the list by Date Sent.

    An operator might have one or more large orders that they wish to receive all at one time, using the Receive All function. Filtering only by vendor and/or library can still include POLs that they do not wish to receive with the others. Filtering by Date Sent could help them narrow the list further and include only the items on the order(s) they wish to receive.

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    Alma Product Team

  8. Require a barcode for newly received serials

    Serials can be assigned a barcode upon receipt, but it would be nice of Alma would prompt users to provide the barcode if/when a barcode is required rather than merely optional. (We only barcode some titles, so a prompt of some kind would help staff who don't know which titles are barcoded as a matter of routine.)

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    Alma Product Team

  9. Can you put process type as a column in the received items list?

    It would be helpful to add Process Type in the Received Items List so we can see if an issue was claimed, or not published, etc.

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    Alma Product Team

  10. Customizable columns for reporting codes in the Acquisition Receive screen

    We sort our purchases by subject codes expressed in the reporting codes. These are unfortunately not visible in the receiving screen. As we handle a large number of books for many departments, the ability to view all levels of reporting codes in the receive screen would be a huge help in the receiving and post-receiving process.

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    Alma Product Team

  11. Receiving: continuous vs one-time receiving of items - tabs should retain settings

    In Acquisitions - Receive Items, when either the continuous or one-time tab is selected, the Keep in Department check box should retain its status according to the tab selected, e.g. checked for One-time and unchecked for Continuous.

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    Alma Product Team

  12. holds

    Add a flag to a title in the receiving queue, if it has a hold associated with it, regardless of the source of the hold. Right now, unless the hold is initiated in Acquisitions, there is no visible marker in the receiving queue, which causes a problem with batch receiving.

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    Alma Product Team

  13. Alma -- no warning when item goes into "transit" from receiving

    When an item is received under Receiving > One Time, if there is a request on the item for a user at another library, the item immediately goes into transit status to the requesting library. There is no message or warning that the item is in transit at this point, and the receiver's assumption is that it is now "In place" and ready to be shelved. The only warning that exists is a column prior to receiving that shows "Yes" under "Requests." Once the item is received, it is gone from this list (see below) and there is no more…

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  14. Keep user in Received Items List after Receiving a new item.

    Receive New Material - Action > Manage Items = Action > Receive.
    Why does Alma throw me out of the Received Items List, and back into the Receive New Material Screen - after I have received a new item?
    It is very inconvenient to have to click, click back into Action > Manage Items to continue working with items in this same title.
    This did not happen before last week.
    Seems to be a result of the August 2016 release?
    Please stop this automatic screen back up. I prefer to stay in the Received Items List in order to see…

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  15. Barcode column can be sorted in Receiving Department Items.

    We suggest that all columns can be sorted in Receiving Department Items. Especially the barcode is the necessary column to be sorted because it is used for the sequential number, so that we want to display in ascending/descending order.

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