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  1. Provide sort order information for AVE (portfolio) fields in BIBs API

    When there are multiple portfolios from the same e-collection associated with the same bib record, the Alma Link Resolver (and Primo) displays them in the same order that they appear in Alma. When AVE (portfolio) information is retrieved using "expand=e_avail" in the BIBs API’s Retrieve Bib or Retrieve Bibs service, the AVE fields are returned in no particular order. AVE fields returned for a particular bib record should include an element giving the sort order of the portfolio within that e-collection, as it appears in Alma. This would allow custom discovery interfaces to display Online Access links in the order…

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  2. To support retrieving / updating of Portfolio "Internal Description" field via API call

    We recently migrate to Alma. Since there was no data migration for E-Portfolio fields for the Alma implementation, we need to use the API calls to update various portfolio fields with the data from the old library system.

    In particular, the Portfolio "Internal Description" field is not supported by the API call. We strongly recommend to add back this field for the API call.

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  3. Allow more information to be included in the Webhook Failure letter

    As things stand, the Webhook Failure letter cannot be customised to include a reason for the failure, forcing recipients to trawl through the opaque and confusing logs to work it out. Allowing administrators to add more information to this letter (such as information from the webhook response body) would simplify the process of dealing with webhook issues.

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  4. Webhook events for withdrawn items should include MMS-ID

    I would like to suggest that webhook events for withdrawn items should include the MMS-ID the item was associated with. Why does this matter? We've created a custom solution for locations in Primo VE, and to save on the number of API requests to Alma and speed up the loading, we're caching the results. We're using webhooks to update the cache as needed, based on MMS-ID. However, as withdrawn items does not include information on MMS-ID, we cannot automatically update the cache when items are withdrawn.

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  5. API UPDATE Single Tag in the record (PATCH)

    Currently if I want to update a Bibliographic record I have to use a "PUT" command, but using this replace all tag in the record. So you have to pay attention if you don't put a tag this will be lost.
    So we would like to have the possibility to update only one tag in the bibliographic record for example using another command, in Rest API usually is used a PATCH command that allow to change a single element of the resource. So I ask to implement a real UPDATE command (PATCH for example) so we could change single or…

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  6. Add a function to automatically notify users when a Resource Sharing Request converted to an ILL request via ALMA API

    We implemented the ALMA API to convert Resource Sharing Request to Illiad ILL request. Currently, we can't find a way to automatically notify users when their requests being converted/transferred to Illiad. Since processing the ILL requests usually take longer than processing a regular consortium wide Resource Sharing Request, it will be very helpful to notify users automatically about this information.

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  7. FTPS support for SIS integration

    Add support for FTPS protocol for the SIS patron load integration

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  8. Add API for returning on-the-fly calculated blocks

    Currently the API returns only blocks which are written to the database (shown under each user's block tab). However, this does not show a full picture of those who are blocked on-the-fly such as those who have reached max cash before being automatically blocked. So the suggestion is to make sure whatever is pulled from API is the full list of all users who are blocked.

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  9. Remove all items from Collection with single API call

    When editing a Collection in Alma, there is an option to "Remove All" items, emptying the collection. This is very useful, for example, when updating a rotating collection such as the New Books shelf. Unfortunately, doing this via API requires issuing a separate call to remove each individual item--potentially hundreds of calls just to empty a single collection so that it can be updated. There should be a single call that will empty the Collection.

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  10. Alma Users API Web Service Result - Reference User Role Description instead of Number

    When updating a User via the API, if there is an issue with a User Role Parameter, the Web Service Result contains an error message like the following:
    | errorMessage: Mandatory field is missing: user_role parameters [ServiceUnit] for role number 37

    Would it be possible to reconfigure the error message template to return a message like this?
    | errorMessage: Mandatory field is missing: user_role parameters [ServiceUnit] for role [Receiving Operator]

    This would save time in looking up the description in code table HFrUserRoles.roleType.

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  11. API - Fines & Fees Function - Single Email Receipt with Line-Item Summarization for Partial-Payments


    Our organization has given our patrons the ability to submit bulk (line-item) full/partial-payments on individual fines & fees.

    When processing these transactions, we must send individual line-item transactions to the API which results in individual payment-receipt emails being sent to the patron.


    Conversely, the API’s pay-all function sends out a single payment-receipt email with a summary of the fully-paid line-items.


    We would like a function which can transact an array of line-item payments and generate a single payment-receipt email like that of the /fees/all function.

    Something like:


    fees (array) [{fee_id, amount}…]

    Thank you,…

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  12. WebHooks for Orderlines

    We would like to have WebHooks, that are triggered by acquisition events.

    For example sending of POs shall trigger a Web Hook (similar to a finished job) to start subsequent processes via the Alma-API. In principle, we could also use the packaging job, however, if orders are sent directly, this does not work.

    Use case: Extrenal setting of call numbers, inventory counters, setting of item properties within multiple item orders.

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  13. Webhook for holdings

    We have webhooks from Alma that can notify an external system when changes to items or bibs happen. We would like to have a webhook for changes to holdings. This would be helpful as we have an offsite storage system and we would like to update it as soon as items are switched to that location in Alma, so that when the items arrive there the external system has that update.

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  14. API conf/sets - Always add member/@link

    Currently not all calls to conf/sets will return member-elements with links. This will make a call to e. g. electronic portfolios close to useless, as there is no API-call that can be done with the portfolio's ID only.

    Ceterum censeo I don't think that this is an enhancement, but Case 00874282 was not interpreted as this being a bug.

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  15. Add more scheduling options for Integration Profile

    In Alma Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles > Actions Tab > Synchronize > Schedule,
    is it possible to add an additional schedule time, such as "Every day at 08:00" ?

    In order to meet our daily operations, many of our colleagues request integration profile job runs between 7:30 to 9am. The options right now doesn't work for us. I am wondering if we can add a schedule option at 8am or offer a drop-down list where users can choose a certain day/hour for integration profile job?

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  16. Integration with git

    There are many areas of Alma where integration with git would be immensely helpful. For example, Alma rules management makes it impossible to make batch updates to rules and does not offer version control. Likewise, Metadata Configuration extension management in the system leaves too much room for error and, again, does not offer version control. External management in a connected git repository would be highly preferable.

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  17. FTPS box

    Currently ALMA merely supported SFTP (SSH ftp), not FTPS(FTP over SSL). Please add the function to support FTPS(FTP over SSL) provided by so that our ALMA integration profile could use it.


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  18. Make Mapping Tables Available Via API

    It would be very helpful to have Alma mapping tables available through the API, similar to how code tables are available.

    Many code tables are mostly useless without their associated mapping tables, making their API exposure pointless. For example, the UserStatCategories and UserStatisticalTypes code tables need the Statistical Categories/Types mapping table to be of any use (unless you are using a single category).

    Making mapping tables API-accessible would go a long way towards making Alma more developer-friendly.

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  19. Payment integration - Supporting the import of detailed line payment information to a finance system

    Currently only the total amount paid for fines etc. can be imported to our Finance System. Can the ability to identify and import various payment types & amounts be developed. This would allow us to match payments to differing fundcodes on our finance system. Further supporting the idea of moving to cashless

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  20. Payment on Self Check Kiosk SIP2

    SIP2 protocol is over 20 years old. More payment types should be allowed (2-char, fixed-length field (00 thru 99)) and not restricted to those only specified from 00 to 02.

    Value Payment Type
    00 cash
    01 VISA (this is not even relevant anymore)
    02 credit card

    Other LMS systems are able to configure extensions to the payment type using the 03 up to 99 to link payment types that are used in their LMS.

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