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24 results found

  1. Populate library hours from other sources

    Currently Alma does not accept a feed of library opening hours from other sources, we would like ExLibris to add this feature for better integration with other calendars. Currently Alma API can retrieve and output library open hours, it would be nice to have an API that can read and update library open hours.

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  2. Display “Created by” field for all Notes tab notes

    When we use the APIs to update a record, the “Updated On”, and “Updated By” fields on the Notes tab are overwritten with today’s date and “API, Ex Libris”. (This behaviour occurs regardless of the record type.) While we love the ability to use the API to update fields in our Alma records, we feel it’s misleading for these fields to show as having been updated when no update actually occurred.

    Per Ex Libris, this is the expected behavior: when we have a list of something, the PUT API replaces them all by deleting them and then recreating them according…

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  3. ALMA Cloud apps; can we enable this feature role-based

    with lots of interest we have followed the Igelu presentations about ALMA Cloud Apps.
    For now we have not enabled this feature though we would like to use it.
    We do not want all our ALMA users to be able to use all these apps.
    It looks as now the only choice is 'enable or disable'.

    Is it possible to add Alma Cloud apps role based?
    For example for our users who have a General Administrator role or to the meta data experts in our library?

    Kind regards, Hiltje
    Leiden University Library, The Netherlands

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    Now, in Alma, there are two new configuration options available for the cloud apps:

    1. Institutions can now configure that cloud apps will be available for activation, only for users with the proper roles to operate it.

    2. Institutions can now configure that cloud apps will be available only for users that were given the new role "Cloud App Operator".

    For more information see Alma online help:

  4. Allow starting Course Load jobs via API

    We'd like to be able to kick off course loads via the API. The machinery needed to do that seems to be in place but customers are prevented from using it and are forced to schedule the job using the Alma UI.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The API has been expanded to allow starting Course Load jobs.
    For more information please see Alma December Release Notes

  5. Enable 1 Alma Print Daemon to Serve Multiple Printers

    I am thankful that the Alma Printouts Queue and Print Daemon exists. The free email service bundled with our printers has proven to be unreliable at times.

    However it is unfortunate that 1 PC can only run 1 instance of the Print Daemon software. So to map multiple Alma printers to multiple local printers requires running the Daemon on multiple servers.

    The enhancement I am requesting is for this software to be able to map multiple Alma printers each to their own separate local printer. For example

    • Alma Printer Main Circ Desk -> Local Printer BLDGAFLR2-7
    • Alma Printer Rare Book…
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  6. Include Attachments Tab Data in XML Output of Invoice Export

    Currently, when you send invoices to your S/FTP server, only data from the Summary tab and Invoice Lines tab are included in the XML output.

    We would like the data from the Attachments tab to be included in the XML output as well for our upcoming integration with Workday. Workday requires a URL for the attached invoice and the Attachments tab is the place to store this.

    These data also do not appear to be available via the API. Adding these data to both places would be ideal.

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  7. Limit the IP range that can call the Alma APIs

    I would like to suggest an enhancement in ALMA regarding APIs: in addition to the API keys mechanism we would like to limit the IP range that can call the Alma's APIs.

    This feature can be useful for System Administrators and the main benefit is to increase security and user data protection.

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  8. Use sane file permissions on gzipped files from publishing jobs

    When extracting the MarcXML-files from a publishing job, the extracted files by default have unix file permissions set to 060 (u=,g=rw,o=), i.e. only readable and writable by the group, not by the user. This is weird and makes little sense.

    Even worse, it also means that on systems with default umask of 022, which is very common, the effective permissions will be 040 (u=,g=r,o=) which means that the files can be neither changed nor deleted – even by the user who extracted them – without messing with permissions.

    I can see no reason whatsoever for preferring the current default set…

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  9. We would like the ability to import new funds (from Workday) into ALMA

    We would like the ability to import new funds (from Workday) into ALMA. In other words, we can currently import new patrons into ALMA from Workday. We would like that ability to extend to our Funds data.

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  10. Add option to specify electronic collection in Create PO-Line API

    When an electronic portfolio is created by GOBI through the Create PO-Line API, it is automatically set to standalone. The Create PO-Line API has no option to specify that it should be part of a specific electronic collection.

    In our use case we thought we could fix this by using the update inventory import profile when importing a more complete MARC record, but if this profile is configured with a collection a new portfolio will be created if the existing is standalone. (See case #00500768.)

    Allowing an electronic collection to be specified when creating portfolios through Create PO-Line API would…

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  11. Create item via API addition of parameter to generate description field

    Creating item via API using -POST /almaws/v1/bibs/{mmsid}/holdings/{holdingid}/items

    Addition of a parameter "generate description" , when this flag is set to true in a call Alma would generate the description field from the provided enumeration data based on the description templates set in config.

    Looking for an equivilent ot the create digital representation paramter "generate label".

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  12. Add request time stamp and note to Retrieve user requests API and xsd


    We'd like the request time stamp and note added to the Retrieve user requests API and xsd, so we can retrieve them:


    Ryan Edwards
    Digital Access and Systems Librarian
    Information Systems
    Getty Research Institute
    1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
    Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688

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    In the August 2019 Release, the following change was done:

    Request time is now available for the Get-Request and GET-requested-resources (task lists) APIs, including the exact time (HH:MM:SS) the request was placed.

  13. Writable Code-Table API

    Code-tables, like UserStatCategories, really demand a writable code-table API.

    As our institution adds departments and majors, the only choice we have today is to assign a human to manually update the table in a regularly occurring, human friendly frequency.

    For a machine, it would be trivial to update and synchronize the UserStatCategories code-table via API, daily, hourly, whatever.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The Code Table API now privies support for updating code-tables, in addition to the existing ability to retrieve this configuration entity. In addition, the GET-Code-Table API now supports the parameter “scope” that can receive as a value a particular library within the institution. Thus supports the ability to retrieve tables that are specific to a library. See

  14. API for managing scheduled jobs configured in integration profiles

    The enhancement described and completed in the idea is fine as far as it goes, but the current functionality does not allow us to interact with jobs launched automatically by Alma on a periodic basis; it only supports jobs launched manually by a user.

    Our use case: we have scheduled periodic uploads of SIS student data
    configured in a SIS integration profile. We would like to get a formatted list of rejected users, errors, etc. that happened during the automatic load available as a file on our processing server, so that the list can be parsed by a script…

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  15. Purchase Requests API

    A Purchase Request API is needed. This would allow the library to seamlessly integrate with internal systems.

    From Francois Renaville: "We asked for this in May 2016 and were told in July 2016 (case 00222634 - API for Purchase Requests?) 'that API for purchase requests is on the Alma road map for 2017. Currently, there is no release date.' No news since then."

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  16. Bursar Export: Option to not close out fines/fees upon eport

    It would be useful if the bursar export job to export fines and fees had an option to keep fines and fees active in the Alma user record upon export. Some libraries want to keep fines and fees active even as fines and fees owed are communicated to a bursar's office. Because it's possible through the fine/fee payment API for a custom solution to be developed to communicate fine/fee payment back to Alma, some libraries would choose to use a bursar export integration to export fines and then develop a custom solution to send payment information back to Alma to…

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  17. Expansion of the Configuration API

    Today's retrieve library API returns limited information. It would be very helpful to have this expanded to include campus information, default location and resource sharing configuration.

    In particular this is needed when creating/updating users, eliminating the need for local mapping tablles, in the case where student master data only contains either campus or library information.

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  18. Create a Tableau Web Data Connector for Alma Analytics

    Alma Analytics users who also use Tableau would benefit from a generic Tableau Web Data Connector (WDC) available via the Alma Integrations page to integrate Alma Analytics into Tableau vizes via the Ex Libris API.

    The WDC could generate report-specific field structure based on the schema/xsd section of the API report XML, making the addition of Alma Analytics report data to Tableau as easy opening an Excel spreadsheet.

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  19. Add RFID multi scan function in Alma

    Currently, Alma doesn't allow multi scan use with RFID readers.

    This means librarians at circulation desk have to scan one by one items with RFID reader instead of dropping them off directely on the RFID reader. Thereby, RFID tech loses a huge part of his interest in library.

    This is all the more strange that RFID self check machines offer this possibility with Alma.

    To conclude, RFID libraries should be allowed to use multi scan functionality with Alma. Please implement such a function.

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  20. faster receipt printing

    Don't use email for all print events. It's too slow for receipts and transit slips at staffed service desks. (Complex anti-spam engines and office365 hosted email typically adds up to a minute to email transit time.)

    Instead, write some local software to act as a print client that talks back to the cloud. That way, you can bridge local networked printers across large sites, back to the cloud in a more timely fashion.

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