
  1. Improve Close Lost Loans Job  ·  Closed

  2. Add target_url to DisplayCTO output

  3. A new type of search - Authority Search  ·  Completed

  4. Make 245 $p, $n, $s, $k, $f, $g part of "Title" criteria in Analytics &/or make them available as separate criteria  ·  Completed

  5. Adding the borrower code stats to the patron detailstable in the fullfiment subject area

  6. Recommender for standing expressions (that have little or nothing in common with an actual title)  ·  Closed

  7. Change Physical Item Job should ignore default MARC holdings template when changing location

  8. Enhance Smart Expansion via Bibtex by adding CDI auto population job

  9. Allow Instructors to make students collaborators on specific reading lists  ·  Accepted

  10. Search possibilities as "Received X weeks ago" or "Available X weeks ago"

  11. Better control over processing order in import profiles  ·  Completed

  12. Free AI Tools

  13. Related titles in Primo VE records display: separate window

  14. new interface for faculty  ·  Closed

  15. Prevent portfolio loader from wiping out local coverage  ·  Closed

  16. Allow for the updating of license terms using scripts or spreadsheets.  ·  Closed

  17. Display 6XX fields with $v form subdivisions intact

  18. Assessed Fines Letter - Ability to Send a Letter Notifying Users That Fines Have Been Assessed  ·  Closed

  19. Include the parameters used in the Job Report  ·  Closed

  20. Check box option to disable Alma from appending file names in publishing profiles

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