adding interested users & location notes when adding to lists
When compiling patron-recommended books in a list for future ordering, we need to be able to add the patrons as interested users, as well as noting specific locations for some books. Currently we can add notes, but in order to do so, we have to put items in a list, then view the list, find the items, and add notes. The enhancement would streamline the process.

Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Management
Mercedes Malloy commented
this is a must! creates so much extra work to have to check notes on each item and make sure they are copied across once added to cart.
Charlene Tweed commented
This is something we would like to see at our institution as well
Lani commented
I echo Brady's comments and would like to see comments added to resources in a list flow through to the cart.
Brady Cross commented
I would like to add to Jonathan's suggestion by stating that adding notes, interested users, etc. at the moment an item is located in the Marketplace would dramatically enhance Rialto's usefulness. Equally as important, all notes, etc. should be included all the way through the cataloging process. I would rather the cataloger make the decision to delete any notation. This would enable the selector to communicate important information to other selectors as well as technical services without having to duplicate their efforts.