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50 results found
Suggestion for the idea exchange itself: Allow searching limited to specific product
I was trying to search within the idea exchange to see if my idea had already been posted but I cannot limit my search to a specific product. The search box searches within all products, which is not practical since it gives so many irrelevant results for different products.
1 voteThank you for this suggestion, we have forwarded this to Idea Exchange administrators.
Increase number of results we can export at a time from 1000 to at least 1500 or 2000.
Increase number of results we can export at a time from 1000 to at least 1500 or 2000. When doing systematic reviews for people, there are often large numbers of results and at the moment the absolute limit is 1000 (even though we can view 2000 results). Otherwise we need to send the results in separate files which is extremely time consuming as well as inconvenient both for us and the users.
1 voteRefWorks does not impose export limits. You may export all references in your Project at any time.
Export times will vary based on number of references selected for export and connection speed. A library of 150,000 references may take about 30 minutes to export. -
Delete Documents list
It would be nice to delete documents that are listed under "Assign to Folder". I have 130 that came in when transitioning from Legacy
2 votes -
Allow the option of Advanced search in Public folder shared
For many years we have been using a shared public folder that contains the publications of our Institute's researchers.
In the previous version of Refworks, the Advanced Search option was present in the public shared folder which allowed you to search for references of interest (for example: references by Year of publication/Document type/Department-custom field) and then quickly create the bibliography and/or export only the recovered references.
The shared public folder in New Refworks only has the "Search" option.
Please add the option Advanced search.1 voteThank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.
Add dataset as item type
As NIH gears up to enforce a new data management and sharing plan and librarians work with researchers to develop plans and create new norms, I think it is important for reference management tools to enable researchers to cite data by creating dataset as an item type.
1 vote -
Integrate RefWorks in Canvas LMS
Integrate RefWorks in Canvas LMS so researchers i.e, teachers, professors, instructors can easily build their citations directly in the Canvas learning management system.
20 votesWe've carefully considered your feedback, performed user research and have decided not to include this feature in the near future.
Uncheck "Include CSL styles" by Default
We expects to be able to uncheck "Include CSL styles" by default for each institution's policy when we choose bibliography styles.
3 votesThank you for your valuable feedback. We won't be able to address this idea in our planned roadmap. We are committed to our users and are focusing on current goals and most requested features.
Make Area of Focus Required Item
Please make Area of focus required one on the profile form.
6 votesWe've carefully considered your feedback and have decided not to include this feature as it is not aligned with privacy and product development direction.
Back up and restore / share styles
I need the feature from Legacy RefWorks, where you can back up and restore / share your own styles
3 votes -
Write-N-Cite VS RCM
En el apartado Herramientas ofrecéis la opción de descargar Write-N-Cite, cuando creemos que ahora recomendáis el uso de RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM). Crea confusión. Si Write-N-Cite no va a tener actualizaciones, ¿por qué en Herramientas no hacéis mención a RCM?
¡Cracias!1 voteWnC is no longer available for installation.
Word 365 seems fail to process the program
in downloading site, there is no clear announcement that this program can fit in office365. after i downloaded, errors emerges.
0 votesIdea Exchange is intended for feature requests. For performance issues please open a support case or initiate a chat at the following link:
Please be sure to include all details – including what add-on you are trying to use. -
Make it works
There are many potential improvements related with notes, how to find words, etc. But I would be happy if, at least, the poor functionalities that it has, could work properly.
After contacting support service months ago, problems remains the same or even worse.1 vote -
Make it faster
For something that it paid for, my RefWorks is always moving REAL slow compared to other paid reference managers I've used (mainly EndNote). RefWorks seems to have trouble handling the 2,000+ references I've accumulated (and continue to accumulate) over my career.
3 votes -
1 vote
Delete pp. from article numbers
I just realised that RW puts pp. in front of an article number. As far as I know this is not correct.
1 vote -
EXPORTING BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN WORD - not just ris, xml etc - sometimes you need the Word file separately
4 votes -
Improving Annotations on iPad
Please include the selecting text and highlighting feature when I use RefWorks on iPad. Currently, there is no way to add comments or highlights for RefWorks on Safari - Ipad.
5 votes -
1 vote
Idea Exchange is intended for feature requests. If you are experiencing a performance issue please open a support case or initiate a chat with the specific details at the following link:
Improvement of Citation in Arabic
We use APA Style 6 for our research
The Citation in Arabic does not appear correct in Arabic. It is required that only the last name and year are included, but here the full name is included in the citation, but the list of references in Arabic appears well and this applies to references entered manually or downloaded from databases. Please improve the citation in Arabic1 voteIdea Exchange is intended for feature requests.
Performance issues should be reported by opening a support case. What you are describing is a known bug for right to left languages. I recommend opening a support case via the following link so that you can receive an update when the issue is resolved: -
Being able to export folder information with a reference.
I would like to be able to see in which folder(s) a certain citation is once i have exported it for example to a .csv file.
3 votes
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