Bulk Update for reading list sections
It would be useful if we could run a bulk update job on certain sections - for example if we need to re-name them, add a description, or remove them.
A use case for this is that we have sections on many reading lists naming a certain supplier of eTextbooks, and we would like to change this to just 'Digital Textbook' and be vendor-neutral. This will have to be done manually for 630 lists and it would be much better to do it in one job.
Similarly, now we cannot add section descriptions to templates in the new UI, this could solve the issue for those who would like a standard wording for certain sections.
I don't think this can be done at the moment as I can't see a way in the Reading List Bulk Update job, and the 'Managing Reading Lists' documentation says 'Sections can be managed only using Leganto'. https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/030Fulfillment/060Courses_and_Reading_Lists/030Managing_Reading_Lists