Hide resource locate on article citations
The Resource Locate function appears in Row Actions List in Alma for article citations. Articles do not need to be located, just resolved. The default behavior (when not resource located) is that the URESOLVER applies the date restrictions. Portfolios falling outside of the holdings period for that specific journal are filtered out.
However, when resource located, the citation is viewed as a journal and shows all portfolios attached to the journal's bib. record. In order to prevent this from happening, we suggest the resource locate option be hidden in Alma for this type of citation.
Chris Jones commented
Agree, but possibly some flexibility needed here. There are occasionally situations where the only access is print (perhaps unlikely, but does happen), and we might still want to leave an article citation (although an instructor would not be able to handle this easily themselves).
Manual locate (August 21 release) perhaps provides an alternative here (as appears on citation whether located or not.
Disabling uresolver/detaching from repository and hiding links allow management of other aspects (except LibKey discovery downloads - remove DOI).
Does the manual locate just present the same problem for you in this situation?