Limit the number of times an importance tag can be used on a reading list
We would find it very useful to set a limit on the number of times a tag can be used on a list – for example to configure tags so that only one item per reading list can be tagged as Core. We use this tag to flag items requested for our eTextbook Programme and this would help us avoid the issue of multiple Core-tagged items.

Catherine Riches commented
We'd find this useful too, for the exact same purpose. Though we would need the ability to set it by role level, so library staff can add this tag more than once at our discretion, as we do have some exceptions where certain modules/reading lists have access to more than one eTextbook. But stopping academics from requesting more than one per list would mean less chasing and cleanup for library staff.
Amanda Swann commented
This has been accepted for over a year - is there any indication when this feature may become available?
Ian Hey commented
Yes this would be good so that an intuition can set a limit per list. i see its accepted do we have a roadmap date