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4 results found

  1. Add IdRef for Linked data Enrichment

    Bibliographic information is currently enriched with URIs from several sources, mainly English language files (LCSH, LCNAMES, MeSH...See : ).
    Libraries who work with other authorities can't get benefit from these linked data enrichments. In order to improve cataloging support and to avoid local developments for discovery usage, it would be great to add the French authority file IdRef ( URIs to the list of enrichment possibilities. IdRef is the authority file used by academic and research institutions in France, Switzerland, and Belgium, and is integrated in Alma CZ in both Marc21 (originating system IdRef) and Unimarc (originating…

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    2 comments  ·  Linked Data  ·  Admin →

    The Linked Data enrichment process for bibliographic records that are linked to IdRef authorities now also generates URIs to the IdRef authority records, so that libraries that work with IdRef authorities can benefit from their Linked Open Data capabilities.

  2. ORCID

    More and more government agencies require researchers/scientists to have ORCID iD when they apply for government sponsored research. But ORCID iD is for real world object. Please use $1 real world object for ORCID iD for Alma search indexes for MARC21 100, 600, 700 fields. The current Alma search indexes incorrectly support $0 for ORCID iD in MARC21 100, 600, and 700. This error needs to be corrected.

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    1 comment  ·  Linked Data  ·  Admin →
  3. In addition to LCSH, LSNAF, MeSH, GND and VIAF, Wikidata is at least an another good source to enrich the bibliographic information.

    ALMA currently adds URIs of 5 authoriities sources to enrich related bibliographic records. It is a good way for patrons to "crawl from one data description to another" if we push the information to Primo. Those 5 sources are good. However, information coming from Wikidata or Wikipedia seems nowadays to be more accessible and acceptable by the users. We suggest ALMA should add URIs of Wikidata (or the like) , so the users can retrieve more information on related entities.

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    0 comments  ·  Linked Data  ·  Admin →

    Dear community,

    As part of the linked data initiative, Alma supports info cards and contributor pages for name authorities displaying information from Wikidata. This feature has been implemented in the Metadata Editor in May 2024, and part of the linked data functionalities of the All Titles search which was released this December.

  4. VIAF Integration for Alma

    I have been looking at the Alma Road map for 2018/19 and note the exciting BIBFRAME and Linked Data initiatives.

    Fitting in nicely would be the facility to search VIAF from within Alma.
    This would make it easier to check what already exists in authority files internationally and identify a suitable entry if we have to add identifying information for disambiguation purposes.

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    2 comments  ·  Linked Data  ·  Admin →
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