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37 results found
Expanded XML for Delivery Registration Status letter
In setting up the Delivery Registration Status Letter used by Controlled Digital Lending we've found the item information available in the XML to be incredibly sparse. Currently the only information about the item is the Primo URL and title (only subfield a).
We'd like to see the XML for this letter expanded to include at least the author, edition, and publication information. Ideally, the XML for this letter would have somewhat comparable item information to what can be found for Fulfillment letters sent to patrons about physical items (e.g., On Hold Shelf Letter, Ful Cancel Request Letter, etc.).
4 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Alma Digital - Batch ingest make the first page always be the thumbnail
When doing batch ingest, it will auto-generated thumbnail.
Sometimes the thumbnail will generate other than first page.
When we migrate the images to Alma-D, the representation files are indicated XXX1.tiff, XXX2.tiff, XXX3.tiff, etc. The "first page" means XXX1.tiff.
We tried to use job called "Thumbnail generation", which use for generating thumbnail for each digital file in the manage set.
However, this job can only generate thumbnail randomly.The Alma-D experts said if thumbnail doesn’t exist in representation level, Alma-D will take the smallest PID sorted in ascending order as the thumbnail automatically.
Is it possible to…
10 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Add copyright statements to the job Generate Representation from Existing Bib
The August 2021 Alma release introduced the option for Access rights policies and Copyright Statements - Digital to be managed independently (we really like this thank you).
However, the Generate Representation from Existing Bib job does not have options for Extracting Copyright Statements from a subfield, nor a Default copyright statements field from a field in the bib record, or for setting a default copyright statement.Please enhance this job so that we can generate representations, ingest the files and set the copyright statement all in one go, rather than have to either edit the reps manually, or if they…
7 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Add multiple Terms and Conditions for different deposit forms
Add multiple Terms and Conditions for different deposit forms.
We're using patron deposit forms for different material types (syllabi, theses, archival materials). There's only one "file" under Config > Resources > Deposit > Terms and Conditions
All we can do is edit a single "terms and conditions file" for all deposits. Documentation is found at the link below and seems to allude to multiple files, but support says there's only one to customize.3 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Color inverted thumbnails from CYMK images
If you upload PDFs that contain images from the CMYK color model (used for printing) the generated thumbnail is colour inverted. Only images from the RGB color model are correct. Alma should generate correct thumbnails from both the RGB color model and the CMYK color model.
1 voteHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Link to viewer from record in Collections lobby for digital records
We'd like the option to link directly from the record in the collections lobby to the viewer. We think users are largely interested in getting directly to the resource for digital collections and as the metadata can be displayed in the viewer going to the full record screen before the viewer is an unnecessary step.
7 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Customize Alma Digital viewer login menu with Mashup CSS file
Use Alma's Mashup CSS file (or other CSS file) to customize the Alma login menu used by Alma Digital Viewer.
As for today, this is not available and appeared as inconsistent (colors, font, size, accessibility...etc), with other pages inside
Alma. There is no way to provide any additional help information for the user on the login screen other than just the labels,
and the use of the labels are limited by the OTB CSS configuration.10 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Los recursos digitales con dominio de la Institución
Los recursos que se gestionan con Alma digital deben verse en la web con el dominio de la Institución y no con el dominio de Alma. Esto ayuda al posicionamiento web institucional y al mejoramiento de las métricas que es el objetivo cuando se crea un Repositorio
3 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Alma Digital - Search By Patron/Depositor
When using the Patron Deposit form in Alma Digital, the options to search the deposits do not include searching by the depositor's name. There is the option to search by patronID(not the primary ID, but rather a database ID), but this requires someone to lookup the patronID and is not efficient.
We would like to request searching by the depositor's name be added to Alma Digital.
1 voteHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Link from Digital Uploader to Job History
When I've loaded recorded and files via the digital uploader I generally want check that the import profile has run correctly. It would reduce the number of clicks needed to do this if there was a link to monitor jobs from the Digital Uploader page - especially when testing loads I'm having to repeat the action many times.
0 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Extend Title: Open Access search field to include Dublin Core records
At present when using advanced search the Title: Open Access field only retrieves MARC records. We need it to retrieve Dublin Core records as well.
The documentation ( states that it looks for this in the MARC record: 506 0_ $f Unrestricted online access $2 star
It should also look for "dcterms:accessRights Unrestricted online access" in Dublin Core records and any other appropriate DC fields that might contain that text.
This would make it much easier for us to define sets suitable for contributing to other databases via OAI-PMH.
Since we are now using the new boilerplate digital…
11 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Digital representation: Access Rights Policy & embargo
We would like to use the date of death of the creator in order to define a rule for embargo. This information is available in the subfield $$d from the 100/700
Currently it's possible to define a rule for embargo where Access is denied based on any of the following date:
Additional Publication Year
Fixed Date
MMS Creation Date
Publication Year
Representation Creation Date1 voteHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Include Universal Viewer statistics in Alma Analytics
Alma Analytics does not include file view statistics for the Universal Viewer - only the Alma Viewer is counted.
If you have the Universal Viewer enabled then the files viewed figure in Analytics (Analytics Digital Usage reports > Digital Usage Measures table > Number of digital file views) does not include the Universal Viewer.6 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Thumbnail creation function for larger than 500mb video files
We need the function to create the item thumbnails of the larger than 500mb video files. Most of video type representations created by my institution are over 1~4GB in size but the thumbnails are not automatically created, so staff need to take a screenshot, resize, and manually upload it. High capacity videos are common in this era. Alma should set the capacity limit for related jobs higher, ideally to 5GB.
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Alma Product Team
Make Digital representation metadata indexed for searching in Primo
During our current implementation of Alma Digital, we have noticed that the representation metadata is not indexed for searching in Primo. We would like this to be possible so that users are able to search using details from the representation details such as chapter title.
Product management responded hat - The model of partial / special representations (such as chapters, issues, audio tracks etc) is designed for a multi-part entity, adding representation-level details, such as chapter numbers. However – these additional details aren’t catalogued in Primo but mainly designed to allow filtering or sorting of representations in the viewIt service.
12 votesHello All,
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Universal Viewer: Support for custom css
We would like to suggest the support for custom CSS in Universal Viewer.
There's a few minor modifications we would like to make, such as widening the right column a bit.
8 votesHello All,
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Alma Product Team
Viewer service rule based on search set
It's great that Alma provides the option to add your own Viewer Services for presenting content from Alma Digital.
We're interested in offering customized viewers to display content from some special collections, but with the current Service Availability Rules, it's not possible to limit a viewer to specific collections.
It would be great if you could create a Service Availability Rule based on a Set, so the viewer would be shown for all members of that set.
8 votesHello All,
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Select All check box for digital files
Please provide Select All function for digital files, like a check box on the header.
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MARC or DC format in ALMA makes any differnce in primo represenation?
While ingesting the exam papers in alma D from an institutional repository,
which format would need to be considered MARC or DC? Would DC
format will appear in Primo same as like MARC? or it will represent differently in primo?
Please let me know the Pros and Cons of both formats from all points of view.
Thanks in advance.1 voteHello All,
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Patron Deposit Forms: full control over the normalization rules on all Marc21 fields
When using NRs on Patron Deposit Forms, it is not possible to apply these rules on fixed fields. On the other hand, some rules are running in the background and set indicators or add new fields upon existence of some subfields (eg. 245 $c) that cannot be turned off.
- Allow normalization rules for the point of import for all fixed fields (that would add the 006, 008, LDR and so on)
- Remove all out of the box normalization rules for all fields (e.g. field 245 sets the indicators 1 | 0 and creates a 100 field with the indicators 1…
11 votesHello All,
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