Task Widget Filtered by Processing Department
UNSW is a library with multiple processing departments and during peak Leganto processing times clicking through the Task Widget - Reading Lists/Citations to identify the workload for each dept creates an additional step in the process.
We do have the ability to filter the Reading Lists etc. by Processing Department once we have clicked on the option in the list, for e.g. Unassigned - Ready for Processing, however it would be helpful if those filters could be applied to the main menu Task Widget - Reading Lists/Citations, visible on the ALMA home page, so that only the options requiring our action are available in the first instance.
The benefit of filtering the Task Widget - Reading Lists/Citations is that we are presented with the true workload for each value in these options without having to make additional clicks. Giving the Task Widgets intended purpose, of providing the workload at a glance, to libraries with more than 1 processing department.